Vol. 33 - It's the Thought that Counts

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"I have had enough!"

Everyone turned their head, watching Alpha, the round man, stand up angrily. Pacing around the room, his feet heavily thumping wherever he stepped. Sun rolled her eyes, immediately looking away.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

"Why are we sitting here? Huh? Have we lost our purpose in actually getting up and doing stuff?! Since when did we take orders?" Alpha growled, staring at them all intensely.

"Calm yourself," Pressure folded his arms "I am sure Eve has a plan."

"A plan, tch." he scoffed angrily. "Waiting for the girls to get weaker is absolutely a waste of time! Let's just weaken them ourselves!"

"Do whatever you want," Sun groaned "just shut up!"

As the group bickered amongst themselves, Glaze listened from outside the door. In comparison to the others, Glaze was the closest person to Eve, and the only one who was allowed near her. As her messenger, she delivered whatever she heard from the staff room. Relaying everything she had heard, Glaze watched as a smug grin appeared on Eve's face. She didn't know whether it was a good grin, or a bad one. All she knew was that now, she was laughing.

"Hah!" Eve's voice echoed through the hall in a never ending melody "those Sensors really do not know do they?"

Raising an eyebrow, Glaze stared at her questioningly.

"The Pretty Cure are strong, they are extremely difficult to beat. Those little girls have a power within them that even they don't know they have. If we attack them recklessly, we will be beaten. Everything has to be thought out carefully because if not," she frowned "we will lose. And the last thing I want is for those pesky girls who don't know a single thing about being a Pretty Cure, to defeat me."

Eve tightened her hand into a fist. Since she was younger, everything she wanted was taken away from her. No matter what, others found a way to be better than her. Now was her chance to prove that she was the better one, the one who had it all. She should have been the one to defeat their enemy. She should have been the one who married Ganseki. She should have been the leader instead of Suzuna. But because of her, and now her daughter, her plans were being ruined.

Yuzuki Agou. What a distasteful taste in her mouth to say those very words. The girl who she attempted to remove but suddenly appeared before her own daughter, turning her into a Pretty Cure too. She was irritated, how could these little girls foil her plans without even trying. All she did her entire life was try, but others got the recognition instead.

Was she not a Pretty Cure too? Everyone always looked up to Cure Siren and never Cure Royale. She was always a shadow against the light. Nobody ever cared about her or her opinions. Just an extra figure they claimed was their friend when really, she didn't feel like it. No longer was she Mirei Seishima, nor that Cure Royale. She was Eve. The beginning and the forevermore.

"The time is nearly come," Eve sat down and smiled to herself "those little girls won't see me coming."


"Okay, mom! Fine, okay, okay..." Sakiko attempted for the tenth time in a row to end the phone call with her mother "yeah yeah! Bye!"

Before her mother could make another comment, Sakiko clicked the red button, immediately groaning into the table. Beside her, Kayume grinned.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, my mom just being weird as usual."

The girls all laughed as Sakiko stuffed her phone into the depths of her bag. In the club room, the girls all sat in peace as they tried to study. The university entrance exams were coming up so they all decided to close the club and just study. However, this meant that the girls couldn't do anything all day but stick their heads in books. Even Sakiko who hated studying, studied with them just so that she didn't frolic around while they worked hard.

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