Vol. 4 - The Soft Words at After School Paradise

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It was still pitch black when Yuzuki awoke. Picking up her phone she sighed upon seeing the time. 3:30am. She had only slept for 2 hours and there was no sign of her falling back asleep any time soon. Sitting up, she looked down and saw Kimi sleeping peacefully. Kiki was also drifting away in her own dreamland that Yuzuki couldn't help but feel jealous that they could sleep so easily. For the past few months, she had been struggling with sleep. It never came easily to her and whenever it did, it was out of pure exhaustion. Lying back down, she could only but hope to fall back asleep but her thoughts began to run wild. Thinking and thinking nonstop. Taking in deep breaths, she tried to refresh her brain. But no matter how much she tried, it was to no avail. Every night was the same nightmares, the same terrifying feeling that lurked in the dark and the same thoughts that ran in her mind.

Closing her eyes tight, she silently prayed for a miracle. A miracle that would cause every ill thought in her mind to go away. A miracle to help her fall asleep. Maybe even for ever. Flashes in her mind caused her to squirm in her sleep. The sounds of explosions, screaming and the feeling of failure. It felt so real, almost like she was there experiencing it herself.

"Yuzuki! Yuzuki! Wake up! ~ki"

Jerking awake, Yuzuki squinted as the sunlight beamed in her face. Sitting up, she saw Kiki with an extremely worried expression on her face sitting on her lap. Watching them, was Kimi who raised an eyebrow in concern.

"Are you okay? ~ki"

"Yeah." Yuzuki said immediately going to the ladder of her bed "Fine."

"Are you sure?" Kimi asked "you can tell us."

Smiling, she simply shook her head "just a nightmare. I'm fine."

The two looked at each other as Yuzuki walked out of the room. Every morning was the same. It just made them realise that they didn't really know much about her at all.

As Yuzuki returned, Kimi smiled "we're going to ask her to be the faculty member of the club right?"

"Yeah, we'll ask her after school."

As time flew by, it was time to plan out their new club. The final bell rang for classes to end and students immediately poured out. The two girls headed straight for the staff room where they could find their homeroom teacher, Ms Kaga.

Knocking on the door, they slowly walked in and looked around to find her. The desks aligned in order as teachers worked and several talking to other students. In the corner of the room, a familiar figure with short brown hair sat. Hurriedly walking over, their teacher turned to them in surprise.

"Oh girls? How can I help you?"

"This may sound a little random at the moment but we're actually planning on creating a new club." Kimi explained

"A new club?" she paused "the two of you?"

"Well actually, Yuzuki started it. I'm just helping."

"As you know, clubs are required to have 2 starting members and one faculty member. Whilst we currently have two members and therefore, we thought we would ask one of the teachers to help us. Our first thought was you." Kimi said

"I see" Ms Kaga put her pen down and turned in her chair to them with a smile "tell me more about this club."

Turning to each other, Kimi nodded at Yuzuki to explain. Ruffling in her bag, Yuzuki took out a page and handed it to her.

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