Vol. 17 - To Rise, One Must Have Fallen

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The month of September soon fell upon them and the next school semester finally dawned on them. Riho's roommate had moved room and since she was the only one left, their dorm mother allowed her to move in with Yuzuki and Kimi.

"Y'know, I always thought during the summer that I missed school. Turns out," Kimi said as she skimmed through the piles of homework she was given "I don't".

"Our teachers can't even give us a break, they gave us work the very first day!" Riho whined.

The girls were sitting in their homeroom classroom when Ayato made a sudden appearance.

"Afternoon!" He called out cheerfully.

"Why did I miss his voice?" Kimi said in disgust.

"Were you planning on not missing me?" Ayato asked as he dumped a heap of books onto the table.

"And that, is a lot of books" Riho gawked.

"Of course it's a lot of books. I have to study. A lot."

Riho and Kimi laughed together as Ayato questioned their silly antics. Although a lot of things were going through their minds, they actually appreciate school for once. It forced them to forget the worries trapped within their minds. Forced them to forget the unnecessary stress that came with facing the real world.

"Has anyone see Yuzu?" Ayato said glancing around. "She's been... the same..."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Well, technically yes but, she has changed. Which I thought was for the better but she went back into her usual isolation."

"Yeah, a lot happened in the summer. A lot of trials came and she was overwhelmed, not knowing how to handle a situation and then not knowing her past. She stresses a lot over it." Riho sighed as she thought of where Yuzuki may have gone.

"She's probably at the club though. That's usually where she's at, no?" Kimi added.

"She usually is, maybe she is but we need to finish cleaning." Riho pointed to the pile of books laid out.

"You guys can do that, I have to study." Ayato said as he picked up his books and walked away.

"He's so helpful." Riho rolled her eyes as Mona walked in "Mona!"

"Riho! Been a while!" Mona replied cheerfully

"Yeah! How was your holiday?"

"It was good, fun. And yours?"

"Went shopping, went to festivals, had sleepovers. It was a fun summer."

"Sounds nice" Mona smiled "Where's Yuzuki?"

"Probably at the club. We'll be heading there now anyways" Riho said as she turned to Kimi who nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll catch you guys later then" Mona waved as the two made their way to the club.

"Come on let's hurry!" Kimi said as she began to walk at a faster pace "We always leave Yuzuki by herself"

"Yeah, we're always late" Riho giggled.

However, upon arrival, there was a large queue of students and nobody seemed to be there.

"Hey um" Riho asked a student who was at the end of the line "Is Yuzuki in there?"

"No, we were waiting because some of us need help with our homework and stuff" The student replied with a shrug.

"She's not there?" Kimi tilted her head to see the students in the front just chatting to each other, the door locked.

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