General Info

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1) Be a nice, civil person. No hate, no judgement, only uplifting comments allowed.

2) Tactful mature content is fine, but pure smut is not allowed. 

3) Check out my Story of the Seven and comment so I know you did this. Follow me too.

4) Hopefully upvote my writings, or check out my other books?? 🤔 (OPTIONAL)

What You Get In Return:

1) I will read your piece and provide feedback.

2) I will upvote your piece if you made my day. 😉😉😉

Form for Submission:

1) Username

2) Link to Story

3) Genre

4) Tag 5 people


1) I will process 2-3 stories per week, so some waiting might be involved.

2) I will comment on your strengths and weaknesses, as well as write a review. I will NOT rank you in any way (1 star or 2 star, poor or stellar, NONE of that).

3) I may not be able to read your whole story depending on length, but I will at least read 2 chapters if not more.

4) If you are easily offended or of frail mind, please do not enter.

5) PM me if you have questions.


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