22) The Edge

31 7 1

Story by @kiracamilaellie


Opposites unite! As sinister crisis threatens to rip apart the fabric of beloved world,  a nerd and a thug are forced to pair up in order to stand up for peace and justice. It all begins with Jeremiah Blase (the smarty) and Leigh Anne Blakey (the baddy) as they attempt to combat the deep state swamp that is rife with danger and corruption. Will they be able to demonstrate bravery, valor, unity -- the lifeblood of victory -- and triumph? Or will everything they hold dear crumble before their eyes?


-Proper use of flashbacks.

-Description and dialogue enhance story. 

-Excellent chapter titles.

-Witty use of sarcasm. 


-No clear update schedule.

-7 chapters, could be abandoned.

Parental Disclaimer:

-A PG-16 warning is advised by author.

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