Chapter 3

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Once we arrived to the courts, the temperature had dropped even lower then before, stopping at around 20 degrees Fahrenheit. It was about 10:00p.m. but I still wasn't feeling too tired. As I walked onto the outdoor basketball court with Killian, I realized one other person was there, sitting on one of the park benches nearby. When he saw us a wide grin spread on his face and he spoke.

"Killian! Bro, you brought a girl? Very unlike you although I must say I am impressed!"

The person stood up, walking to where the park lights shone on his face clearly. He was a tall ginger with light freckles scattered around his face. He was the tiniest bit shorter then Killian but they had similar builds.

Killian rolled his eyes. "Shut up Jax, just pass me the ball."

I realized the ginger whose name was "Jax" was indeed holding a basketball. He tossed it to Killian who caught it easily and began to dribble.

"Wait, wait, wait, Kills, you're not even gonna introduce me to her?" Jax asked, feigning hurt as he pressed his hand over his heart.

"Her name is Eris, and don't call me that." He replied coldly.

"Hi Eris! I'm Jax!" Jax greeted, shooting me a boyish grin.

He jogged towards me and extended his hand for me to shake. I shook it awkwardly, I have never really been the best at socializing.

"You play basketball?" Jax asked, as Killian began taking shots behind us. Making every single one I might add.

I nodded. "I played Varsity in High School."

Jax smirked as he heard this. "Alright. Killian pass her the ball."

Killian's head jerked to us and he had an annoyed expression.

"Don't tell me what to do." He snapped.

He then passed me the ball.

I caught it and dribbled up to where he was standing, which was at the half-court line.

After analyzing the distance of the net a couple of meters away, I jumped and took the shot.

The ball sailed through the net and I smirked with triumph.

"Ahh, pretty girl over here still got it!" Jax complimented as he retrieved the ball.

Killian shot him an annoyed glance.

Why did he seem so... irritated all of a sudden?

Jax ran over to where we stood and began dribbling circles around us, bouncing the ball between his legs and doing a few tricks.

I reached out to steal the ball but he snatched it out of reach at the last second.

Jax smirked cockily at this and I playfully rolled my eyes. I advanced on him, reaching out to try to steal the ball again but he was able to keep it just out of my reach. All of a sudden, he turned to the left and jumped, throwing the ball to the net.

Before it even made it a few inches from his fingers, Killian snatched the ball right out of the air and began dribbling around us.

"Damn, I hate to say it but that was good Killy boy!" Jax said through laughter.

"Don't call me that." He growled.

I held back a snicker. "Killy boy." I mocked.

His eyes snapped to mine, flashing.

"Don't call me that." He repeated.

As he was distracted replying to me, Jax stole the ball back and I moved to guard him, successfully blocking his next attempt at making a shot.

His Eris (UNDER SEVERE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now