Chapter 43

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Killian and I grabbed some food from the McDonald's drive through and headed back to the house to eat. We had both ordered a chicken sandwich but I got a Sprite while he got a Mountain Dew. When we arrived back home, we made our way upstairs and into my room to watch a movie. We both climbed into the bed and began to feast as I turned on The Lion King. 

I felt like I was in a mood. I was getting so tired of living the way I was. It was like I could go no where without getting into a fight or into trouble. I just didn't understand why I couldn't just live peacefully.

Shut up Eris, you need to be thankful that you live the way you do. Some people's lives are much much worse.

I sighed, pushing my thoughts away as I finished my sandwich and chugged my drink. The scene where Simba's father dies popped onto the TV screen and I struggled not to cry. This movie always made me emotional but today I was just about ready to start grieving when Mufasa got trampled. I looked over at Killian and even he looked sad about it.

Suddenly the muscles in my stomach contracted and a harsh cramp overtook me.

I winced, dread instantly flooding through my mind.

Did I- ?

I slid off of my bed, and speed walked into the bathroom. I swung the door shut, sitting down on the toilet to check if what I was thinking was true.

My heart sank when my thoughts were confirmed.

I started my period.

That explains why I'm extra emotional and cramping.

I opened the cabinet under the sink and removed the necessities needed, sighing in annoyance.

Today was not my day.

When I exited the bathroom, Killian was sitting on my bed sipping my Mountain Dew. When he saw me his brow raised and he spoke.

"You okay? You kind of just ran to the bathroom out of no where. I hope that chicken sandwich didn't give you explosive diarrhea."

"I don't have diarrhea." I said, rolling my eyes as I removed a clean pair of underwear from a dresser.

Killian watched me, the wheels in his brain turning at what he saw.

I felt hot under his gaze but more annoyed at myself then embarrassed.

"D-did you start?" He asked, his dark eyes flooding with worry.

I sent him a brief nod before slipping back into the bathroom to change into my clean underwear. I then quickly hand washed the old one so it wouldn't stay stained before throwing it in the hamper.

I did not expect my period to come today. At least I'm not pregnant.

I exited the bathroom for the second time and realized that Killian had left the room. I pouted sadly before climbing back into bed and cuddling a pillow to my chest as I continued to watch the movie.

It was just getting to the part where the Simba would fight Scar when my bedroom door slammed open. My head jerked to who was there in surprise.

"K-Killian?" I asked.

He was standing there breathing heavily with his cheeks tinted the slightest bit of red. There was sweat forming on his brow and his arms were full with grocery bags.

I blinked at him as he entered the room, pushing the door shut with his foot before setting the bags on my bed.

"For you." He said, nodding to them as he took a step back to catch his breath.

His Eris (UNDER SEVERE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now