Chapter 4

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Two weeks passed with nothing particularly interesting happening. Except for the fact that Emora broke up with Lance the moment I explained to her what he was doing to her. It broke her heart when she heard she was not only cheated on, but also used and harassed so she cut off the relationship just minutes after I told her. Ever since, she has been pretty sad but I don't blame her.

Isn't everyone a little sad these days?

I haven't spoken to Killian since that day in the courts and I never really saw him around. Thankfully, no one has tried to kidnap me or hurt me to the point where I would have to call him. My life went back to being boring and stressful and I went back to the routine of typing my blog in the Cafe every day after my classes.

Today, a freezing Friday night, was no different. I had a week left of school before Christmas break but I would be staying right at my dorms sulking for the holidays while Emora went home to her family in Colorado. I was sitting in the cafe, typing hard on my computer as I sipped on my regular hot chocolate.

The Cafe was pretty busy today, and was bustling with chatter and costumers. I enjoyed the background noise as I worked, scanning around the shop for familiar faces. I recognized Astrid sitting with Kaylee a few booths away. I'm pretty sure they had a thing for each other considering that they were holding hands and sharing a pastry.

I ship it.

I focused back on my laptop, ignoring the frequent chime of the bell that hung from the door every time someone entered. Everything was peaceful. Just then, I heard a body slide into my booth in the seat in front of me. I looked up and was met with Emora's grinning face. I felt a little burst of joy to see her expression like this since her happiness was rare nowadays.

"Hey Eris!" She greeted.

"Hi." I responded. "You look happy."

"You won't believe who just invited me to their party tomorrow night!" Emora exclaimed excitedly.


"Alfred Thompson!"

"The football player?"

"Yes! The hot quarterback!"

"Wow, Emora, I'm happy for you!" I said, shooting her a fake smile.

Truthfully I wasn't. Alfred was Lance's cousin and they were morally the same. I really needed to find a way to hook her up with Jax.

"So please tell me you'll come with me to the party. I don't want to go alone." Emora begged.

"I actually have a better idea. Let's get dates." I said with a smirk growing on my face.

"Eris, why would I get a date to go to the party of a guy that I want to date?" Emora asked with an eye roll.

"Because, I know a guy who knows a guy who-"

"Oh my God Eris look!" Emora cut me off and pointed to the Cafe door. Two people were entering. It was Lance and Alfred, both had girls by their sides.

"Isn't he dreamy?" Emora cooed, shooting an unaware Alfred googly eyes.

"Who's that girl he's with?" I questioned.

Emora's gaze shot to the girl, seemingly noticing her for the first time.

Her eyes narrowed.

"Who IS that girl?" She growled.

I sipped on my hot chocolate and shrugged.

"Probably his sister."

"Alfred doesn't have a sister."

His Eris (UNDER SEVERE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now