Chapter 36

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After breakfast, Killian drove Gemma, Jax, and I through the city so that they could show me around and tell me about the places where they all grew up. The mini tour was a lot of fun and the city was beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed my time and was sad when the day came to an end. We arrived back at home at around 6:00 p.m. and Killian and I immediately began packing for the trip to Virginia.

We had booked a flight at an airport an hour away for 10:00 p.m. The flight would take about an hour and a half and we were scheduled to arrive at 11:30 p.m. Once we made it to Virginia, we planned to spend the night in a hotel and drive to my mother's house first thing tomorrow.

I stuffed all of my belongings in my suitcase neatly, unsure if I would be returning to Killian's mother's house anytime soon. It didn't take me long to finish and after scanning the room for anything I may have left behind, I jogged over to Killian's room. I was grateful to see that he was also ready and waiting.

At first, he was confused as to why I decided to go to Virginia when he could have taken me somewhere much better like the Dominican Republic or Paris but he instantly understood when I told him about my mother.

Him and I both were befuddled as to what the surprise would be but didn't question it. Before I knew it, we were bidding everyone at the house goodbye and ordering an Uber to the airport.

I was sad to say goodbye to Killian's parents. They were so kind and welcoming to me, but at the same time it was slightly awkward because I knew they heard the sex Killian and I had not too long ago. They obviously looked at us through a different light but their kindness never faded. I then said bye to Jax even though I would be seeing him after break. The Lane family had left along with the rest of Killian's large family hours before so I wasn't able to say goodbye to little Victoria or even Mace.

Before we left for good, I made sure to kiss Cleo on the top of her fuzzy head, wishing her well. Finally, with Killian carrying both of our luggages, we made our way outside of the house, stepping into a waiting Uber.

After an hour long drive, we arrived at the airport and checked in. We made our way to the terminal after delivering our luggage to the airport workers, stopping at a few random shops on the way to buy some snacks for the flight. We had quite a bit of free time on our hands and spent it by sitting at the chairs in the waiting area, conversing to kill time.

Finally, the plane arrived and a few flight attendants led us as well as the other passengers inside, seating us in our designated chairs. The little TV's on the back of the seats in front of us lit up and the mandatory flight safety commercial started playing, notifying us of the exits and what to do if an emergency occurred.

I admit, I was a little scared of flying. I had only ever flown once which was to get to my college in the first place. I flew alone and strong turbulence rocked the plane, making me fear ever riding one again.

I visibly stiffened as the loud engine of the aircraft turned on and cringed when I saw that Killian noticed.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I nodded. "I just don't really like flying that's all."

"Why not? Are you scared."

"I mean, considering that if we crash it's highly unlikely that we'll survive, yes, maybe I am a little scared."

Killian chuckled. "Don't worry, it's also very unlikely that we'll crash."

"And if we do? And we die?"

"Well then I'll die perfectly happy and content now that I have you."

I blinked at him, my heart swelling in adoration.

With that, the plane began to move, turning around to enter the runway. It began to pick up speed as it drove down the elongated road, the engine booming loudly with energy.

I was tempted to close my eyes, my heart beating wildly with fright. A heard a few children and babies began to cry, their wails of terror ringing over the loud noises.

Just as the plane left the ground, I felt Killian's hand envelop mine and he leaned towards my ear to whisper comforting words, successfully distracting me from the fact that I was rising thousands of feet into the air.

After a few minutes, when I calmed down, he pulled away, and shot me a sweet smile.

I looked away, feeling embarrassed that he saw me at such a vulnerable state.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, noticing a light blush rise onto my cheeks.

I shrugged. "That was just kind of embarrassing. Me being eighteen and having a fear of flying."

Killian scoffed. "Everyone's afraid of something."

"What are you afraid of?" I asked, curiosity lacing voice.

"Losing you, or you getting hurt."

I grinned at his answer, and he ran a finger through his hair.

"That and spiders. Spiders definitely freak me out."

"Spiders?" I asked in disbelief.

Who knew that big bad Killian was afraid of spiders?

"Hell yeah. They're ugly as hell and have way too many legs."

I laughed, watching as he shuddered at the thought.

Suddenly, light turbulence began to shake the plane and once again, I stiffened with fear. In an attempt to take my mind away from the trembling aircraft, Killian spoke again.

"So tell me about your parents."

I sighed. "Well, they're both addicts and alcoholics so that's fun."

Killian's brows furrowed. "Sorry if you're not comfortable talking about this."

I shook my head, smiling slightly. "No it's fine, it's just rather embarrassing talking about the terrible decisions my parents have made."

"Everyone makes bad decisions."

"I guess your right. I love my parents but I hate the things they do. Sometimes they're insulting or rude but they never mean any true harm."

"So they're not abusive?"

"Oh, definitely not. They'd never lay a hand on me or anyone else. Well... except maybe each other because they kind of hate each other but that's not the point."

"What's their names?"

"Phoebe and Franklin Johnson."

Killian nodded in acknowledgment before allowing the conversation to fall into a comfortable silence. I glanced out the window, realizing that the turbulence was gone and we were above the clouds. The crying children from earlier had quieted down, and the only remaining sounds was the chattering passengers and the low rumbling of the plane engine.

The atmosphere became peaceful and people began to go to sleep. The flight wasn't supposed to be long, so I chose not to nap. For a few minutes, I just dwelled on my own thoughts, wondering how Emora was doing.

I wondered if Astrid was alright and if her mental health was getting better. I really hoped it was and was glad that she had someone supportive like Kaylee by her side.

I felt myself dozing off even though I didn't want to sleep, my head nodding in an attempt to stay awake.

Just before I slipped into slumber, Killian's large hand enveloped mine once again and he leaned over to me. He left a loving kiss on my cheek after brushing a strand of hair away from my face with his other hand.

My heart sped up, and I felt ultimately loved. The corners of my lips quirked up in adoration before my mind went dark with sleep.

How was everyone's day?

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