Chapter 6

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When Emora and I got back to our dorms we both took showers and started on our hair, our dresses ready and laid out on our beds. Emora was enthusiastically telling me about her and Jax's conversation that went down while I was talking to Killian.

"He called me pretty!" Emora sighed dreamily, while parting a clump of her hair to put on the curling iron.

"Oh really?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Yes, and then he asked me what my favorite flowers were, I swear if he comes here with a bouquet I will faint."

"Don't get too attached Emora, you just met him today." I joked.

Emora smiled. "I know, I know. I just really hope he doesn't turn out how all the other guys did. And by all the other guys I mean Lance and his stupid cousin."

I nodded. "Don't worry, I think Jax is different, he doesn't hang out with that type of crowd."

Emora nodded, before shooting me a sly smirk. "And what about Killian?"

"What about Killian?" I asked, busily combing my light brown curls.

"Is he like everyone else?"

"I hope not." I admitted.

"At first I thought he was scary, but after a few minutes of talking to you he turned into like a literal softie. To say I was surprised when he apologized and then agreed to take you to the party was an understatement."

I nodded. "Same here, that boy seriously has some issues."

"I think he might like you though." Emora said while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "How did you guys meet anyway."

"He saved me from being kidnapped." I said nonchalantly.

"What! When? And you never told me?"

"Like two weeks ago, and sorry, I was going to tell you but it kind of slipped my mind." I said, flashing her a sheepish grin.

"How cute is that though! He saved you! He probably adores you now or something." My roommate says wistfully.

"I doubt it. I'm still pretty sure he hates me."

"Call him right now." She demands.

"Why would I do that?"

"Just do it! FaceTime him!"

"Emora I'm not going to face time him, I'm busy."

"That's exactly why you should FaceTime him! Think about how adorable it would be to be FaceTiming your boo while getting ready for the party."

"That just sounds hard to do. You know I can't multitask."

Emora groaned. "Fine! Then I'm FaceTiming Jax."

She put down the curling iron and grabbed her phone.

After a few moments I heard Jax's voice on FaceTime.

"Hi Emora!" He said cheerfully.

Emora greeted him back and placed the phone on her vanity so that he could watch her do her hair while I was doing mine besides her.

"Oh, hey Eris!" Jax chirped once he saw me through the camera.

I heard someone in the background repeat my name questioningly and Jax moved his phone to allow another person into the frame.

"Yeah Killian look, it's Emora and Eris.

Killian glanced at me quickly before walking away.

"Killian get your ass back here and say hi to your girl!" Emora shouted.

His Eris (UNDER SEVERE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now