Chapter 41

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When I woke up it was morning. I was laying with my head on Killian's chest with his arm draped loosely around my waist. I felt incredibly well rested and at ease. I was loving my life at the moment and even though I've gone through some incredibly hard times, in the end I have Killian and my sister was safe. Right now, they're all that truly matter to me. Of course I care for Emora, Gemma, and Jax as well. I even care for Astrid and Kaylee, for even though we're not as close, they're still my friends.

Now that Christmas was over, there was only one full week left of break before I would have to go back to college. I was dreading going back, the amount of stress and work that I would have to endure would surely be immense, and I was not looking forward to it. Until then, I would like to enjoy the last few free days with the ones I loved the most.

As I was buried in my thoughts, I felt Killian stir under me. His arm around my waist tightened slightly, feeling to see if I was still there. When he felt that I was, his arm loosened again and he let out a contented sigh.

For a few more minutes I just laid there, waiting for him to fully wake up. I had almost fallen back asleep when he did, gently sliding out from under me to go use the restroom. When he returned, I was already sitting up and wiping my eyes.

"Morning Eris." He murmured, leaning close to me to peck my cheek.

"Morning Killian."

"What do you want to do today?"

I shrugged. "You choose."

There was a slight pause as he took a moment to think.

"There's an indoor pool somewhere near the mall. I heard it's huge and has water slides and everything if you want to check it out."

I haven't been swimming in ages, especially since it was winter time so I didn't hesitate to agree to go. Unfortunately, I didn't have a bikini or any type of swim wear.

"Can we stop by a random store so I can buy a bathing suit? I dont have one with me." I explained.

Killian nodded. "Sure thing."

With that, we both ran to hop into the shower to get ready. I washed myself quickly, not wanting to take a long time. When I finished, I changed and threw a change of clothes into a small bag along with a towel. Next, I grabbed my phone and jogged across the hall to knock on Killian's door.

It didn't take long for him to open it, his hair still damp from his shower. He was wearing some black Nike swimming trunks and a random white tee looking all ready to go.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded. "Can we eat breakfast first?"

"Yeah, my mom already made pancakes downstairs."

It was at that time that I noticed the delicious smell floating around from the floor below. As Killian and I jogged down the steps, the smell grew stronger. Once we entered the kitchen I saw Mrs. Parker humming to herself, sitting at the kitchen table. Athena was laying quietly on her lap, nursing the baby bottle of milk that her new mother was feeding her with.

"Good morning Mrs. Parker." I said, shooting her a wide smile before leaning down to kiss little Athena on her head.

"Good morning sweety, I made pancakes, take as many as you like." Mrs. Parker chirped.

I thanked her and moved towards the stack of pancakes on the counter, serving myself three. Killian was close behind me and plopped six onto his plate before flooding it with syrup.


We ate in silence, enjoying the taste of the food too much to pause and speak. By the time we were finished, it was around 11:00 a.m.

Killian and I made sure to wash our dishes before heading out. The drive to the pool wouldn't be too far, and we decided on stopping at the mall to buy my swimsuit.

I decided on a simple black bikini, matching the color of Killian's trunks.

That's what couples do right?

By the time we arrived at the pool, it was noon. I was amazed at the size of the building and my amazement grew when I stepped inside. After we stopped at the front counter and bought our way in, I saw that the pool was ginormous. It looked larger then an Olympic sized pool and there were two water slides near the back. One was green and started near the high glass ceiling while the other was yellow and closer to the ground.

The pool wasn't too crowded; several families were here having a good time but there was still a lot of open space in the water.

I set my things down on s sun chair before turning to the water.

Killian then shot me a mischievous smirk as he pulled off his shirt before cannon balling into the pool.

"Killian!" I yelled, frowning when his head popped up into the surface.


"There's a sign right there that says "No Cannonballing"."

I pointed to the red sign positioned just a few feet away from where he jumped in.

"Oops." He said, not sounding very sorry.

I rolled my eyes before making my way into a nearby changing room to slip into my bikini. When I finished I made my way back to the water. Killian was waiting for me where the "6ft Deep" sign was. I could tell he was able to touch the ground but I knew that I wouldn't due to the fact that I was only 5'4." When I eased myself into the water, I swam near the edge just in case I got tired and needed to take a little break.

"You look beautiful." Killian's kind words caught me off guard and my focus transferred from the warm water around me to him.

"T-thank you."

He grinned, seeing that I was flustered. "No problem."

With that, he splashed a little water my way.

"Hey! Stop that!" I scolded, splashing back at him.

His response was shoving a large wave of water at me, successfully drenching my hair.

I gasped, wiping water out of my eyes before glaring at him playfully.

I pushed off from the side of the pool and swam to him, splashing him with water as I went.

He laughed, swimming backwards and away from me and didn't stop until we were in the middle of the pool. I was getting a little tired now, and knew that I needed to go back. I made an effort to turn around, but my head was already beginning to dip below the water, my limbs aching with exhaustion.

Before I could even have time to feel the slightest bit nervous that I would drown, Killian's strong arms wrapped around my body and held me up as he swam us back to the edge.

"Thanks." I said, catching my breath as I clung onto the concrete pool wall.

Killian nodded. "Of course. I couldn't let my baby drown could I?"

I laughed, feeling a slight blush rise onto my cheeks and looking away.

The green water slide in the back caught my eye and I instantly knew that I wanted to get on it. I turned back to Killian to see that he was already looking at me with a knowing smirk.

"You want to go on the water slide don't you?" He asked.

I grinned, nodding.

"I do too. C'mon, let's do it together."


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