Chapter 46

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Marcus grinned for a moment, taking in Killian and I's confusión before responding.

"I got word that there's a new member to the Parker family. I've been dying to meet her."

I instantly felt defensive, knowing he was talking about Athena. I didn't want him anywhere near her and shot Killian an alarmed glance. He seemed to understand my worry and took and intimidating step forward, blocking Marcus from being able to enter.

"You're not going to meet anybody. Now leave." He ordered.

Marcus rolled his eyes. "Dude, drop the attitude. The kid is my family too and I have every right to see her."

"You have every right to get out of my house." Killian growled.

The cousins eyed each other for a moment, sizing each other up before Marcus let out an airy laugh.

"This is stupid." He said. "Just let me in."

At that moment, a chirpy voice sounded from behind us.

"Is everything alright?"

Killian and I turned to see who it was and saw that it was Gemma.

I opened my mouth to reply to her but Marcus beat me to it.

"Well what do we have here?" He sneered, a smirk growing on his face as his dark orbs traced the lines of her curves.

Gemma missed his predatory glance and broke into her usual friendly grin. "Hi, I'm Gemma!" Then she turned to me. "You never told me Killian had a twin!"

"We're not twins. This is my obnoxious cousin." Killian growls.

Gemma's brows raise and she turns back to Marcus who was busily checking her out.

"Well what's your name?" She asks.

"The name's Marcus, but you can call me anything you'd like." Marcus says, shooting her a wink.

With that, he shoves Killian aside and steps inside the house.

"I hear more voices." He observes. "Is there visitors?"

Without waiting for a response, he strides past us, shooting a long glance at Gemma's rear end as he moved. He makes his way towards the voices, and we follow him as he enters the living room.

Marcus freezes at the doorway, taking in the three unfamiliar faces there after sending Jax a nod as a greeting.

Isabella speaks first.

"Who's this?" She asks.

"I'm Marcus, the better looking cousin." Marcus introduces himself for the second time today before his eyes stop on the almost empty pizza box on the coffee table. Without a word, he takes the last slice and begins to eat it while looking around.

"Yo, Jax." He says, his mouth full of food. "You look down bro."

Jax shrugs. "I'm fine. What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit my newest cousin. Where is she by the way?"

Jax blinked at him for a moment before shrugging. I was glad that he chose not to reveal where Athena was and I shot him an appreciative glance which he ignored.

Unfortunately, Jax's words wasn't the response that Marcus was looking for, so he turns around to march out of the room and attempt to find Athena himself. As he does, he trips over a random item on the floor, loses his balance, and falls.

He then began to wail dramatically when he saw that the remainder of his pizza slipped out of his hand and landed on the ground, deeming it inedible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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