Chapter 27

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As Jax and I entered the hall, we saw that it was deserted, making me wonder where Killian and Mr. Lane went. Brushing the thoughts of them away, I trudged downstairs where Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Lane were greeting the first guests, Jax's Grandmother and Grandfather.

They were all in the living room chatting happily. Jax wasted no time running inside and throwing his arms around his grandparents, embracing them lovingly.

"Jaxon! You look well!" A red headed lady who I presumed was his grandmother said.

"Thanks grandma. You too." Jax replied with a grin.

"Last time I saw you you were about this tall!" Jax's grandfather then spoke, leveling his hand near where his chest was.

"Yes, he and Killian both grew immensely since last year." Mrs. Parker chimed in, standing from her seat on the couch before pointing to me. "By the way, this is Eris, the girl Killian brought."

All eyes in the room turned to me and I waved nervously.


"Oh wow! You're beautiful!" The red headed women exclaimed. "It's so nice to finally meet you! You can call me Grams, and this is my husband Mikie, we're Jaxon's grandparents."

"Nice to meet you both." I said, politely shaking their hands.

"Killian got a good one I'm sure." Mikie said, nodding my way with a friendly smile. "Where is he by the way?"

"Probably upstairs somewhere." Mrs. Lane said answered with a shrug.

"Killian!" Mrs. Parker called. "Come here."

A few silent seconds passed with no response.

"He's probably showering." Jax said, covering up for his brother.

Grams chuckled quietly. "Alright, I guess we'll see him later."

"Let me call the kids." Mrs. Lane said, standing up. "They're playing in the snow outside."

Grams and Mikie beamed at this, watching as Mrs. Lane hurried away.

"And where's Daniel and Garret?" Mikie asked, looking around.


"Daniel's outside watching the kids so he should be in soon, but I'm not sure about their father." Mrs. Parker replies.

Oh right, Garret is Mr. Lane's first name.

My cheek began to sting again at the thought of him.

"Jax, go get him and your brother please." Mrs. Parker ordered just as Mrs. Lane reentered the room with her two kids and a smiling Daniel in tow.

Jax obeyed her, leaving me to watch the family greet each other and hug. I felt awkward after a while, taking a seat at the far corner of one of the couches as the family caught up with each other.

Maybe Mr. Lane was right. Maybe I am intruding.

After a few minutes of staring at my hands and overthinking, Victoria came over to me with a worried expression.

"You look sad. What's the matter?" She asked.

"Nothing. I'm not sad at all." I lied.

"Well don't worry, everyone else is about to get here. They can cheer you up!" She exclaimed, hopping on the couch to sit besides me before continuing. "There is a guy coming you might be friends with. He's a grown up like you."

His Eris (UNDER SEVERE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now