Chapter 10

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It was the next morning and I woke up to Emora humming softly in the bathroom while turning on the shower.

"E-Emora?" I asked, still slightly groggy.

She burst out of the bathroom with wide eyes. "Oh, Eris! You're awake!"

I sat up in my bed and nodded. "Everything ok? How's Astrid?"

Emora sighed. "Well I have good news and bad news. What do you want to hear first?"

"The good news." I said, sliding out of bed as Emora walked towards me.

"Alfred has been arrested for rape and is currently waiting to be put on trial."

I grinned. "Finally he gets what he deserves!"

"Do you still want to hear the bad news?" Emora asked.

I nodded my head slowly.

"Astrid is dropping out of college."

My jaw dropped. "What? Why?" I asked, thoroughly shocked.

"The rape was too much for her mental state. You saw her, it was like she was a completely different person. She needs to go home."

As sad as the news was, I understood. Astrid needed to do what would be best for HER.

"And Kaylee?"

"She's staying, She's also getting another roommate to fill Astrid's spot when she moves out."

"That sounds... awful."

Emora nodded. "Two years of college being dorm neighbors with our best friend thrown out the window."

"Maybe we can be friends with whoever moves in." I said, running my fingers through my mess of curls.

Emora shrugged. "We could, but it will never be the same.

I moved towards my vanity as Emora returned to the bathroom to take her shower. I grabbed a pack of make-up wipes and began wiping away the products on my face that I was to tired to get rid of the night before. I was so tired when Killian dropped me off at my dorm that I had just taken off my heels and fell asleep in my dress.

After cleaning my face I grabbed some clothes from my drawers to pick out an outfit I would wear for the day. It was Sunday and I didn't really have anything to do but I'm sure Emora and I would end up going out at some point.

After a few minutes, Emora came out of the showers and I went in, washing away the dirt and sweat from the night before. When I was finished, I threw my curls up into a ponytail and slid on some ripped skinny jeans as well as a random hoodie.

"What are we doing today?" I asked Emora who was fixing her hair in the vanity mirror.

"Jax told me we could come over and hang out."

I raised a brow. "You two really hit it off didn't you?"

She just smiled.

She then put her blond hair into a long braid before turning to me. "And what about you and Killian?"

I shrugged. "There's nothing going on between us."

"Oh please, I see the way he looks at you!"

"How does he look at me?"

"Like you're the most beautiful girl in the world."

I barked a laugh. "Real funny, Emora."

"Im serious!" She whined. "Call him right now!"

"Why do you always want me to call him?"

"So I can prove to you that he likes you, just listen to the way he talks to you! How he reacts to your voice!"

His Eris (UNDER SEVERE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now