Chapter 1 - Wonderland

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One may argue that guilt is an emotion that needs no weapon to kill you

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One may argue that guilt is an emotion that needs no weapon to kill you. I'd plead otherwise. It is still kinder than regret because guilt follows after your action. Regret makes you wonder if life could have turned out better if you acted?

If you reached out and took that one step...

That one risk...

Said that one thing to the person who mattered...

Would it then have ended differently for me?

Would it then have ended differently for me?

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My tears had dried out. My eyes were red. I hadn't slept properly for the last two days. My younger brother was still in the hospital, recovering from his injury.

"We're going," Dad announced as he wheeled out a stuffed suitcase from his room.

"Going? Where?" I asked.

"I don't know. We're just leaving this place."

"Right now? But... but why? It hasn't even been a week! We can't just... her spirit lives here... I can't." I teared up again. I hadn't realised there were more tears left to cry.

"They are after us. It's too soon. They found us..."

"What are you talking about, Daddy?"

"Alice Reed, you are going to listen to your father right now!" He growled, and I backed away. This was the first time ever he frowned at me.

"Dad-Daddy... but... let me least.." I stuttered. I was not in a mental state to think clearly.

I wanted to cry again.

Why did it have to happen to us? Why Mommy?

"Pack your stuff, now! I'll get Alex from the hospital, meanwhile."

I didn't want to leave without a goodbye. I wanted to see my best friend one last time.


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