Chapter 6 - Momotaro

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Afraid that she would fall on the chairs in the front row and hurt herself, I grabbed her wrist and yanked her against my chest

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Afraid that she would fall on the chairs in the front row and hurt herself, I grabbed her wrist and yanked her against my chest. Her hand was burning hot. It was probably due to the water accident she got into that morning. I took off my jacket and covered her up with it. Sliding my arms behind her knees and around her shoulders, I picked her up and headed outside. I got curious glances from the people around but honestly, it didn't matter shit. Alice was my priority.

I parked outside her home and walked to the main door. Ringing the bell once, I impatiently waited for someone to open up.

Man, this is going to be awkward.

Another five minutes passed, and I pressed on the bell again, but to no avail. Confused, I walked to the backyard and peeked in through the window. It was dark inside. Perhaps no one was home.

I couldn't be too sure of that. I had to check. Hence, I went back to my car and pulled out her cell phone.

Dumb girl, who keeps her birthday as her password? That was how I fed in my number in the first place. I unlocked it and browsed through her texts.

"Have a safe journey." She had texted her brother.

"You are okay being alone at home, right?" Her father's unopened text to her read.

"Yes Dad, don't worry about me, take care, I love you." I texted him back from her phone. I was pretty sure that was the kind of answer she would give. Her phone dinged with a reply immediately.

"I love you more."

I felt a weird pain in my chest. Was I jealous of the warmth? Perhaps I wanted something like that with my dad too. The thought made me laugh; it would be impossible.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket, and I fished it out.

Riannon. Great.


"Don't you have a better greeting for people? Like 'hey there' or even better, 'hello'?"

I rolled my eyes and decided to hang up.

"Listen listen, hear me out before you disconnect! You are coming, right? For the job?"

Oh shit!

I paused for a second and looked at the tiny unconscious burning figure on my passenger seat.

I will have a guest tonight.

"Plans got extended. Tell him I can't come."

I heard her sigh on the phone. She paused, probably taken aback by my reply as she continued, "Uncle is gonna be so pissed."

"Like I care, Ria." When you are on the top, you have the luxury to choose. I was irreplaceable to them, so I might as well abuse my position a little.

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