Chapter 8 - The Juniper Tree

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Mum taught me this when I was a kid. Count backwards from ten to one when you can't keep your temper under control. My hands were itching to punch someone, preferably Seydon. He was going to get it from me someday.

"Kai!" Alice whimpered. "You are hurting!" She tried to shrug away my grip on her wrist as I pulled her outside the library with me. I stopped and turned around to glare at her.

"Alice, stay away from Seydon!"

"Are you jealous?" She blurted out, and her words just got my rage boiling further.



It was more than just jealousy. Jealousy would get me insecure, not angry and anxious. I was worried for her life. Seydon wasn't the person she should have been getting close to.

"Look, I don't like him, okay?"

She gave me a look of pure discontentment and crossed her hands over her chest.

"How did you even find us?"

I maintained my silence. I could never tell her that I had placed a tracker in her cell phone, or I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"I got lucky," I answered, not meeting her gaze back, and pulled her towards the cafeteria.

It was the end of the last class for the day, but everyone stayed back to plan and practice for the section wars. I had to join the boys for football practice, so before I left, I caught this enthusiastic creature of a best friend of mine to give her a warning.

"You wait for me to finish, and we go home together, understood?"

"Aye aye, Papa bear." She answered with a salute which earned her a pull on her cheeks.

Daddy-zoned? Seriously? Couldn't have gotten worse.

"Oww, lef gwoooo!" she whined, her cheeks turning red with my pulling.

"There, that should teach you better how to talk to your Papa bear."

When she failed to pull my fingers away from her cheeks, she instead decided to fight back, which was when her playful fingers curled around my waist to tickle me. Lucky for me, the muscles I built over time made me feel nothing.

"Genius, little princess of mine, I don't feel a thing," I smirked in victory.

"Hwis iss uhnphair!" she managed to get that past her pulled cheeks.

"Huh? Come again?"

Shit! Ouch!

I suddenly hissed in pain when her foot met with my knee. I let go of her to grab on to my hurting knee, jumping around on one foot.

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