Chapter 2 - Beauty And The Beast

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My personal number's ringtone buzzed

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My personal number's ringtone buzzed. It was strange because rarely anyone ever called me on that number. I unfailingly got calls from work, not from friends. So, curiously I glanced down at the screen, ready to disconnect if it were another annoying advertising call, but my cousin's name on the caller ID brought a scowl to my face. I disconnected and went back to keeping an eye on the people who were entering the University. I don't know why but there was some kinda sadistic pleasure in disconnecting calls that you know aren't important.

The phone rang again, and I grunted in disbelief.

"What!" I snorted as I picked up the call.

"Oh, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

I sighed at his animated voice. "Seydon, if you got nothing to talk about then I am hanging up. Unlike a few people, I got work to do."

"Really? What work? Last I checked, your schedule this morning was clear."

Of course, I cleared it myself, you dumbass! I wouldn't miss my first day to college. Her first day to be precise.

"I got personal plans. You don't need to know."

"What "personal plans"? Do I have a rival? Is someone trying to snatch my lover away from me?" He mock gasped and then chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at that, recalling the last mission where we had to pretend to be a gay couple. It scarred me for life. My brother didn't know the limits to pretend. He will pounce on any chance he gets to mess with me. But we'll, that's a story for another day.

"I am hanging up."

"C'mon! I am bored! Let's go drinking."

"In the midst of the day? Are you nuts?"

"What? How does that matter? What the hell are you doing anyway? Oh, even better? Who are you doing today? I want details."

Have you ever had this utter desire to strangle your sibling and lock them up alive in a casket?

"Well, you aren't getting any. Fuck off! Bye!" I hung up without letting him retort. I looked down at the time on my phone.

Five minutes to go, come on! Where are you, princess?

I thought as I restlessly thumped my fingers against the floor. As I glanced down the roof of the academic building, I caught sight of her running figure, struggling to carry her heavy handbag. It brought a natural smile to my face, making me forget everything about my annoying conversation with my equally annoying cousin.

Just like the old days, she was late once again. And just like those days, I was about to risk my neck together with her. I jumped down the back of the building like I had been trained to, keeping a watchful eye for bystanders, and landed on the ground. Then I made my way towards the entrance to follow her suit.

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