Chapter 20 - The Little Match Girl

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"You were supposed to protect her!" Sey howled in my living room, his eyes accusing

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"You were supposed to protect her!" Sey howled in my living room, his eyes accusing. I just stood there with my hands on my head, still unable to comprehend the situation. As soon as I landed back in the city, I switched on my phone, and there was her text...

"...Dad Agreed!! We are going to the beach!! :).."

And I was happy beyond compare. I had made all the plans. I would propose to her on the third day over a candle-night dinner, and if she agreed, we'd have the next two days to ourselves. If she were to reject me, I'd probably sulk around for the remaining time.

I then noticed multiple missed calls from her and another from Sey. I tried calling her back, but nobody picked up. I decided to go back home first and then meet up with her. When I stepped on to the boundary of my house, I saw her, sitting on my porch, her head between her arms on her knees.

I knew something was wrong, and then she looked up, her eyes red with tears in them, and my heart sank. I rushed up to her and wrapped her up in my arms; my heart weeping with her for her pain. In between her sobs, I could hear her call out to her dad, and then it hit me. I picked her up in my arms as she passed out and tucked her in my bed.

And then here I was getting reprimanded by Sey.

"Are you even listening to me!" He yelled and then pushed me down on the couch. I put my elbows on my thighs and covered my face with my hands.

The legendary Red Phoenix defeated. I could have never guessed it, that they would launch a head-on attack. I warned them; I warned them not to do this.

"If her father's flight hadn't delayed, you know what would have happened!" He cried. "If she hadn't called me, even if it was a single man remaining, all it would have taken was one bullet, one fucking bullet, Kaidon!"

I was careless. I made a mistake. I made a big one. I underestimated them. I left her unprotected. My head was throbbing loud at the thought of almost having lost her.

"What were you thinking, brother!?"

"I don't know! I don't know, Seydon!" I answered frantically. I wasn't in my senses. It was beyond me. Already the knowledge that The Order killed her mother wasn't enough, that they added her father's death to it.

"I am taking her. I am taking her with me to my place."


"No, Kaidon, I am taking her. You are the favourite son; I am not. They wouldn't care the least bit if she is with me. They might, in fact, think I am torturing her."

"I said NO!"

"Why? You failed to protect her, hell you haven't even realised yet that-"

"I am in love with her, Seydon," I announced as I glanced up at him, and he stopped in the middle of his sentence. "I will NOT allow you to take her away from me."

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