Chapter 26 - Catching Fire

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That was surprising

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That was surprising. Just when I thought I couldn't fall in love with her any more than I already did, she went ahead and proved me wrong. Normally I wouldn't have allowed any outside person to deal with our work, but then it was Alice.

Alice is family. Perhaps even beyond that.

Damn, there is something alluring about smart girls.

When I saw her fingers work magic on the keyboard, a hilarious picture got painted before me. Alice, in her hoodie and sweatpants, wearing glasses and eating cup noodles, lazying around in her darkroom, filled with piles of books, but taking on her genius form when on her laptop. The picture was so adorable that I couldn't resist kissing her. I had missed out on so much in her life, so many things she learned, the way she grew up, I missed out on all those years. Man, I felt like a parent who had reunited with their kid after years.

The thoughts of such regret kept clutching me in the chest as I stared at the sleeping figure of my girlfriend, on my bed, clad in my shirt which was at least four sizes bigger for her. It never looked as good on me as it did on her. A strand of her hair stuck out and was covering her lovely face, so I tucked it behind her ear.

She must have felt my cold fingers on her skin because she turned in her sleep to face the other side, much to my dismay. I put my right hand around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She turned again to face me this time and leaned into my chest. I was glad I could chase away her nightmares. I felt like I had a piece of her.

I softly grazed my lips against her forehead as I prepared myself to pull away and start my day. It was still dark outside, but winters were around the corner, so sunrises were late. I halted when I felt her arms slide around my waist.

"Don't go..." she mumbled in her sweet, sleepy voice.

"Did I wake you up, baby?" It felt a little weird to be using a form of endearment for her since she was still my best friend Alice until a few days ago. But it came out so naturally, calling her names which made her belong to me.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to her throat, and she moaned. What I would give away to keep her tucked beside me forever like this.

She shook her head, and I felt her soft hair tickle my bare chest.

"No... but I want to go back to sleep... so don't go... you're warm..."

This minx... so cute...

I chuckled at her words. I pulled her closer to me and locked my lips with hers, and this woke her up. "As much as I want to stay, I got to go work out."

She pushed me and flipped me on my back. Climbing atop me, she rested her head on my chest. "One cheat day won't kill you." She pouted and shut her eyes again.

I turned her on her back, caged her between my arms and smirked. "Well then, there are other ways to work out." I teasingly grazed my fingers up her leg, and she froze.

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