Chapter 31 - As You Like It

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", an elbow to the gut."

I tried to push back my elbow and hit him in the stomach. I was dressed in my workout clothes and was being trained in basic self-defence by Kai, in the gym on the first floor at his place. I don't know how it happened, but surprisingly he agreed to send me in.

"Harder! Don't hit like a girl!" He shouted.

He had his arms wound around my neck, and I was supposed to free myself from his grip. I pushed on his hands, and he let me go. Turning around on my heel, I yelled, "But I am a girl!"

His hand moved towards me as he swiftly pulled me to his chest, turned me around so that my back was to him and twisted both my wrists with his free hand. The next moment, he had a dagger hovering over my throat.

"And like that, you would be dead in less than two seconds."

My breathing escalated. I could feel my body burn up and shiver.

"Now tell me again, what are the most sensitive areas where you can hit your assailant?"

"Eyes, nose, chin, stomach, groin and knee."

"And what are the strongest parts of your body that you can use as weapons?"

"Fingers, nails, teeth, elbow, skull and feet."

"And what should you do in a crisis?"

"Hide or run. Not try to face it alone myself."

If this were a self-defence written exam, I would have aced it. But having a great memory isn't all there is to become a good agent. Now I could see how hard they had worked to be what they were. I was already tired on my day one, and he had been doing it for years. I really wanted to help him out in any way possible. But I was so weak then.

"Kai, it hurts..." I muttered.

"And that is what your assailant would want."

There was a short pause, and then he sighed. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he loosened his grip and released me.

I turned around and glanced up at him. I couldn't understand him. Why was he being so strict and harsh, such a dick? He was completely opposite to the gentle person he usually was.

He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair as he let out a long breath.

"Don't look at me like that. I am sorry, okay."

"Like what?"

"Like you hate me." He bit out the words as if they were burning his tongue. His eyebrows were joined together, and his eyes had a sorrowful shadow in them.

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