Chapter 3 - Princess In The Chest

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I sighed, disappointed

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I sighed, disappointed.

Nearly every free hour, he was surrounded by a bunch of girls. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous. Not your typical bitchy jealous, it wasn't like I romantically liked him, but we were best friends, and I wanted a little time to catch up.

I sighed again as I trudged outside the lecture hall, giving one last glance to see him drown within a crowd of girls.

Since when did he get so comfortable with people? Back then, he used to follow me around like a shadow.

"Excuse me please, let me through, I got to go catch up with my best friend." I heard his retreating voice as I sauntered towards the stairs. Next moment, he joined me and started walking beside me like it was the most natural thing to do. He was tall; I barely reached his shoulder. I peeked up, he had slung his bag on his left shoulder and looked straight ahead, as if this was just another casual day for us.

He did that back then as well, walk me home. He always pulled me back by my pigtails if I ever tried to sneak out and leave him behind, never letting me out of sight. I have waited hours after school, sighing and clapping at his dumb football practices.

But something was appealing about hanging out with him. We were so close that new students and teachers would often mistake us as siblings.

Shit, I just Bro-zoned him!

Honestly, he was like a watchdog. He would murder me if I ever publicly said that.

He was the same guy who shoved me away and scattered my lunch box when I tried to help him on his first day at school, but by the end of that year, he hovered over me like a bodyguard.

Now how wasn't that him being anything but a loyal dog?

The idea made me chuckle. I am never telling him that.

"You know, it's not polite to laugh when you just met an old friend." He complained, and I cackled harder.

"Who says I am laughing at you? You are so full of yourself always!"

He shrugged. "You are staying at the hostel?"

The hostel in the campus area? My family had a place just two stations away, so I chose to stay with them. I hope he doesn't want to start the "wait for me to walk you home" ritual again. I swear I'll strangle him right here!

"Nah, I stay at home. You?"

"Nope, I bought a place close by."

Oh, c'mon! Bought? Not even rented?

I knew he came from a well-off family. I never got to meet his parents, but everything about him screamed wealth. And then his name, Cross; I wouldn't be surprised if he were a distant relative of the Cross family that runs the Cross Consultancy.

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