Chapter 28 - Diarmuid And Gráinne

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After the fake funeral, we transported her father to a safer location for further treatment

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After the fake funeral, we transported her father to a safer location for further treatment. A site strictly protected and unknown to anyone. It wasn't difficult to find a place like that in our business.

We spent the next few days attending classes, studying, doing assignments. Besides that, we went for a few missions. I mostly either unwillingly left Alice in Sey's care, hoping he wouldn't do anything to her to earn my punch or took her with me. Much to my reluctance, she had been helping out where we required a competent hand at hacking. Most of my team members started liking her. They would often look at her work her magic and ask her questions. And it was no surprise when she was invited to our annual Halloween offsite.

"C'mon, Kaidon! You are not going to take the fun away!" Riannon screeched.

"Ria, it's no fun when the top management wants your girlfriend dead!"

"And that is the reason they are not invited!"

"I won't allow Alice to-"

"What won't you allow me?" I heard her voice behind me. I craned my head up from the couch I was seated on to meet the narrowed eyes of Alice glaring at me.

"What. is. it. Kaidon Cross?"

I should tell you from experience that it is a dangerous sign when your girlfriend calls you by your full name. No matter if you are the greatest assassin of the largest secret organisation in the world, you can be easily pulled down on your knees by the woman you love. Therefore in a situation like this, you should always tread with caution and shut up immediately. I wish someone had given me that advice before.

"Alice, I won't allow you to-"



I was still feeling the pain from when she hit me upside the head.

"He was being the dominant one! Why am I not getting any dinner, either?" Seydon complained.

"Because you are a guy too," Alice answered from the dining table, and Riannon giggled. Both of us were slumped on the couch, trying to battle away the hunger.

"You know how to cook?" Seydon asked.

"The last time I was boiling water for the pasta, I burned my hand. What about you?"

"I cut the onions into some shapes, and then I realised that I hadn't taken the peels off. I got an earful from Alice."

"Why are you here, anyway?"

"I am just here for the free food. But I guess I am not getting any tonight, all because of your blabbering mouth. You should have just shut up!"

"Well, lesson learned."

"I'll be going now. Thanks for the food, Alice!" Riannon announced, "Seydon, Alice packed some food for you as well."

"Aww, thank God! Wait up. I am coming along. Let him be the one to face the storm alone!" Seydon winked at me and took off with Riannon.

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