Chapter 7 - That Which Must Not Be Named

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Something smells really bad

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Something smells really bad. Something is burning.

I blinked my eyes open and panicked, I got up on the bed with a jerk. A wet handkerchief fell down on my lap, and I stared at it, perplexed. I looked from my left to right, to ascertain where I was. I was in a foreign room, in a foreign bed, and the realisation made adrenaline take its course through my body.

Where am I?

I clenched on to the bedsheet, ready to sprint for the main door when my eyes fell upon the nightstand. It had a framed picture of two kids. I furrowed my brows to get a clearer look, and my eyes gleamed with recognition. It was Kai and me when we were ten, I think.

I picked up the picture, admiring the sheer innocence and nostalgic joy on our faces, captured by that small sheet of glossy paper. I was cast as Cinderella in the class play by a unanimous agreement. Kai was the tallest and smartest guy in the class, and he got the most votes to be cast as the prince, but like we expected him to, he flat out refused. It took me seven days of clapping in his football practice matches and a handmade lunchbox to convince him to play the role. Of course, it ended up in a disaster; Kai had no talent as an actor.

The sound of a metallic object meeting the floor pulled me back from my journey down the memory lane. I climbed out of bed and walked up to the door to open it and take a peek.

There was a small dining table, and beyond it, the kitchen. A tall and broad figure was shifting around, burning something - I say 'burning' because the dark smoke rising out of the pan appeared anything but normal- on the induction pan and trying to clean up the milk spilled on the floor. This man was clearly not safe to be left alone in a kitchen.

"Kai?" I called out.

He turned on his heel at my voice, concern plastered on his face.

"Are you all right? Is your fever down?"

"Yep, " I pulled up the victory sign for him. "What in the world are you doing?"

His cheeks visibly blushed at my question. Sheepishly, he rubbed the back of his neck and proceeded with cleaning the mess.

"Umm...Cooking some porridge for you."

I almost snorted out loud in a fit of laughter. Damn, that would look disgusting!

"You mean 'attempting' but failing?" I asked, giggling. Stretching my arms up, I decided to save the day, so I walked up to him and switched off the induction. My eyes darted left and right, looking around for the right ingredients. Picking up the salt shaker kept beside, I asked, "You do know you got to use sugar and not salt, right?"

"That's not sugar?" He asked 'oh so innocently', and I wanted to facepalm but pull his cheeks at the same time.

How can someone manage to be so dumb but have such a cute reaction to it?

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