Chapter 33 - Pinocchio

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It took me a considerable amount of shampoo and some weird concoction from The Order's lab to get the dark colour out of my hair on the same evening

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It took me a considerable amount of shampoo and some weird concoction from The Order's lab to get the dark colour out of my hair on the same evening. Kai wanted to take me out on a date, and I wasn't going to look like another person while out with him. I had all the good clothes in my wardrobe spread out on the bed.

"Wow! I see my place already has been domesticated." I heard Kai chuckle from the back.

I turned around on my heel. His hair were dripping and back to their original dark colour as well, and he was clad in his sweatpants, fresh out of a shower. I could never get used to watching bare-chested Kai. He was as fit as... as... I didn't even know who or what to compare him with. But I think he hardly had any fat on him. He was just so... perfect. At times he made me feel conscious about my own figure. Yes, I was slim and thin, but not to my boyfriend's level of perfection. He must be knocking out his enemies with his bare hands. It made me realise how easily he had been giving in to my punches and everything. He must have laughed at me every time.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Ohhh look at me! I am the legendary Black Wolf! I take pride in my place, smelling all manly, like old clothes and booze." I tried to mimic my best Kaidon voice.

His lips turned up into a lopsided grin as he leaned there against the door with his hands crossed over his naked chest.

"I definitely don't sound that cheeky."

I shrugged. "You wouldn't know. I am the one who tolerates you on a daily basis." I turned my back to him, still clad in the bathrobe, as I kept mulling over what to wear for the evening. Well, if Mr Kaidon Cross has his abs and muscles to show, I have my clothes and make-up as my weapon.

"Oh, let me show my appreciation to you then, your highness." He snickered as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pushed me down on the bed and then smothered me with open-mouthed kisses.

"Kai... mmm... Kai!" I pushed him back by his shoulders, panting hard due to all his breathtaking kisses.

"I am not even half-finished yet," he smirked and then leaned down again but I rolled to my side.

"Let's play a game!" I blurted out. His hands froze, and he rose a questioning eyebrow at me.

"I am listening."

This is my chance!

I sat up straight and slid to the edge of the bed, ready to make a run.

"So the rules are simple, " I explained as I circled my fingers around his wrists and raised them up to his eye level. "You first close your eyes and..."

He shut his eyes as I instructed, and I took my stance to dive away. I glanced back once to check if his eyes were closed and took another step. I hadn't even landed my foot on the ground when I was yanked back to the bed by my wrist, and a hard chest pressed against my body.

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