Extra Chapter 28.1 - Halloween Offsite

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Halloween. One of the most celebrated holidays in the country, and for me one of the most dreaded.

The front-door bell rang, and I shut the book close, which I was reading, and got up to open it. I peeked through the peephole, but there was no one outside. I had personally learned no lessons from my multiple life experiences. Perhaps Kai's presence had put me in a secure state of mind. So I yanked open the door and-

"I am here for you, Alice." A deep threatening voice welcomed me. Dressed in a dark black cloak, a necklace of skulls around his neck and a sickle in his right hand, before me stood the Grim Reaper in the flesh. I screamed at the top of my lungs and spun around to run. Behind me stood another man in a black suit and cape, his eyes gleaming red. There were fangs for teeth, dripping with red blood. Horrified, I screamed again, my entire body shivering and I stepped back and fell down on the floor on my butt.

Recognition dawned upon me as I saw the face of the Dracula figure more closely.

"Kai!" I yelled, and he started laughing. Behind me, the Grim Reaper took off his hood to reveal Sey, who joined him in his fit of laughter.

"I am so sorry, sweetheart." Kai apologised, still flashing his fangs while laughing, as he crouched down on a knee before me. "But it was worth it."

"You arrogant son of a bitch!" I smacked him on the chest, which made him fall back on the floor and then I straddled him and started punching him on the chest, pulling on his hair and ruining his makeup.

This was why I hated Halloween! People get an excuse to dress up and scare others. And this sorry excuse of a boyfriend of mine had done that every year back in school, and he still hadn't given up. I was so scared; my eyes were almost on the verge of tears. I glanced at Sey from the corner of my eye who was holding on to the door for support with one hand and grabbing his stomach with the other, laughing uncontrollably.

I hurried to get up and teach him a lesson as well, but I got pulled back by a hand around my wrist, and a hard chest cushioned my fall. He then flipped us around to cage me beneath him and then pressed his lips to mine.

"You okay?" He asked, softly caressing my hair.

"You jerk!" I growled as I sniffled. I knew I couldn't stay mad at him when he treated me so gently.

He chuckled and then picked me up in his arms.

"You guys are a bunch of morons!" A woman with dark hair wrapped up in a bun, wearing a lab coat and thick glasses entered through the door and hit Sey and Kai on their heads with a rolled-up sheet.

"You are...?"

"Come on, Alice!"

"Riannon!" I jumped with excitement. "But what are you dressed as?"

"A science teacher." She explained and then turned around on her heel, flaunting her getup. "How do I look?"

"Like an old hag!" Seydon mumbled which earned him another hit on the head.

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