Chapter 19 - Legend Of The Red Phoenix

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"Umm... Dad?" As soon as Dad was back from office, I jumped in to ask him about the trip.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He flopped his bag down on the couch and reached for the cup of coffee I had prepared for him.

"Uhh... you are leaving for the client site tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, just got the confirmation for the tickets from my assistant. Is something the matter?"

"Actually, we have a five-day break starting tomorrow, and..."

"You want to come together with me then? The client is a pain, but I can make some time for my precious little princess," he smiled and gently blew on the hot coffee, and I already started feeling guilty about the trip. I felt like I was betraying him. Was that normal to feel?

"No, I don't want to intrude upon your work! The thing is..." I averted my gaze and rubbed the back of my neck as I continued, "My friend kind of suggested we go out for a trip, and..."

"Your friend?" He asked, his eyebrows raised at me.

I hesitated, "Kaidon?" I muttered under my breath.


"And... I?"

I fidgeted with my fingers as his eyes inspected me, and I kept looking away. This was so not a good idea! I braced myself for a long lecture on responsibility and morals, but strangely he decided to spew out gold instead.

"Sure, have fun."

"But Dad, Kai is really- wait what?"

"You can go, as long as he keeps you safe in my absence. But if he dares..."

WHAT? He agreed? Just like that? What kinda trick did Kai pull on him?

I jumped with joy and pulled him in for a bear hug. I had a mix of emotions inside of me. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Five days and four nights alone with Kai, I didn't know what was going to happen.

What is it like spending 24x7 with him? I stayed over at his place when I was sick, but I was sick! We are going on a vacation right now! At a beach!

Wait! Will we have to share a bed? I really hope he doesn't snore!

I squealed with excitement and texted him immediately. The text didn't get delivered to him. He did talk about going on a job. He probably switched off his phone.

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