Chapter 13 - The Trickster, The Fool, And The iPhone

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He never took his mask off

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He never took his mask off. But he didn't need to. I knew it was him. The same height, same built, same voice, and... the same eyes. Who else would risk his life to save me again if not Kaidon Cross? The same person I knew and yet somehow appearing like a stranger at that moment.

It'd been two weeks since that night. I stepped out of the automatic doors of the subway, and it was the same feeling again- someone was following me. I whirled around, but there was no one suspicious.

Neither Kai nor Seydon showed up in class. In fact, we lost all the football matches because of that. I went up to his house a few times, but it was always locked.

Another Monday arrived, and I was dying to talk to Kai, but the Cross member before me wasn't the one I was hoping to come across.

"Alice, good morning." He greeted me with a smile. Seydon Cross had one of the most innocent faces and smiles I had ever had the honour of witnessing in my life, but at the same time, the most vicious personality. I shivered at his voice and had to clench on to the back of my chair to support myself and stop my body from falling. I could still clearly picture that night, when he had me by the throat; when he humiliated me.

I took a step back, then another, but my feet toppled over a bag, and I stumbled, bracing myself for the fall, but he reached out, grabbed my hand and pulled me against his chest. Our bodies collided, and he gently curled his free hand around my waist to steady me.

We had the same coloured eyes. No, his were a little darker, more mysterious. He gave me a longing gaze, devoid of the venom I witnessed two weeks ago.

The memories from that night flashed through my mind and panicked, I pushed him away and backed against the empty table behind me. I looked around and watched the bustling crowd of students in the class, feeling relieved. My mind knew that I was safe there, he couldn't hurt me, but my subconscious wasn't ready to get over the scars of that night. Every cell of my body trembled, screamed to run away.

I gently caressed the side of my throat. The small scar from his blade had faded, but the feeling lingered.

"What do you want?"

"I have something for you, " he answered as he revealed a box from his bag and placed it on my table.

A brand new iPhone. The latest model.

Huh? Oh my God, that's the latest model!

Wait, Alice. Get a hold of yourself!

"What is this?"

"An apology for crushing your phone."


I crossed my hands over my chest, narrowing my eyes at him. You need to apologise for more than just my phone, Mr Cross. I glared at him, and he chuckled.

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