Chapter 17 - True Love's First Kiss

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I reached back home around 11 in the night

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I reached back home around 11 in the night. I didn't tell my father exactly what I was going out for, and surprisingly he never asked. I just told him that I was going out with Kai, and he seemed to agree easily. But I had decided to confront him, as Kai said, to ask father about The Order.

When I entered in, I saw some packed suitcases in the living room, and I glanced up with questioning eyes to my father.

"Your brother is not as dumb as he looks." He said, and then my eyes went to Alex, who stood there with his hands on his hips, head held up high.

"What does that even mean?"

"He applied for a foreign exchange program and cleared the shortlist."

"Yup, and I got to leave Monday morning for a few more formalities, " he added, a smug smile spread across his lips.


"Alice, language!" My father growled, and I put a hand to my mouth. I went inside my room, changed my clothes, and then came out to give a helping hand with the packing. A while later, we were done, and Alex went back to his room to sleep. Dad and I sat on the couch in the living room- him scrolling through his phone with his usual glass of whiskey in his hands, while I was thinking of ways to strike up that conversation.

"Dad, I-"

"Your brother didn't exactly clear it all fairly." He said. "I pulled in a few strings to send him out."

"Huh? Why?"

"To ensure his safety."



"From The Order."


The Order??

Oh, my God! So he knows about it too? He knows that I know as well. Was I the only one who didn't know all this while? Does Alex know? Just what is his relationship with them?

I schooled my expression as I stared back at him, fumbling around for the right words.

"You look fairly calm for someone who just learned that her father is trying to protect his son from a mysterious organisation, " he remarked as he took another sip from his tumbler. "You know about them, don't you?"

Should I tell him about Kai? He did say I could open up to him about everything.

"Umm... Kai is a part of it. He is the best agent out there."

"Black Wolf, yes." He said and then chuckled, "Kids these days, coming up with all those flashy names. There was a time when I was the top one."

Top one?

Wait what? Did I just hear that right?

"You worked for them?" I blurted out.

He sighed, and his fingers curled around the glass tumbler, his eyes looking into the distance as if reminiscing his old days. "I was called as the Red Phoenix."

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