Chapter 37 - Pandora's Box

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And the little mermaid lifted her clear arms towards God's sun, and for the first time, she felt tears

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...And the little mermaid lifted her clear arms towards God's sun, and for the first time, she felt tears. Onboard the ship there was noise and life once more, she saw the prince with his lovely bride searching for her, sadly they stared at the bubbling foam, as if they knew she had thrown herself into the waves...

I was sitting on a seat beside Kai's bed with a withered translated copy of The Little Mermaid. It was lying at the corner of the room, unattended by anyone. A fairytale for kids... No parent wanted their child to read sad endings. My parents didn't either, which was why they named me after Alice.

But for some reason, this fairytale was probably the most realistic one I had read so far.

I glanced at the resting figure of the person I loved like family. He was placed in a large private room of the city hospital. He was asleep, his chest rising and falling with his breaths. I hadn't seen him sleep so peacefully ever in my life.

I got up to slide the covers up to his shoulders, and I saw him slowly flicker his eyes open.

"You're awake?" I whispered with a small smile, gently caressing his hair.

"Getting shot is worth it... if every time you are the one nursing me, " he laughed and winced as his shoulder hurt.

"Shut up, Kaidon Cross!"

"Sorry. Damn, I told them not to give me anaesthetics." He mumbled as he tried to sit up. I supported him with my hands. "But it still hurts so much."

"It was necessary. It would have hurt worse if you didn't have the drugs flowing through your veins right now. You had two bullets in your back, and you lost a lot of blood. You needed a transfusion."

He nodded.

"Your father, he uhh- he said he wanted to give his blood."

He looked up at me in surprise. "He did? Sometimes I think he is suffering from a dual personality disorder." He chuckled, and I smiled with him.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Holed up?" He jested. "How are you?" He tried to reach out to touch my face and flinched again.

"I am fine. You stay put." I muttered and looked away.

"Did they- did they do something to you?" He asked, his voice dripping with concern. "Did anyone touch you?"

I gazed back at him. "Would it change your feelings for me if they did?" I teased.

"Never." He answered sternly, his eyes fixed on me. "I would love you all the same. But if you need some professional help..."

I shook my head and smiled. "I am fine. Nothing happened. I did almost get choked to death, though, but nothing else."

He clenched his hands into fists. "I am going to catch them, Alice. I promise. They will never hurt you again."

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