Chapter 23 - Wherefore art thou, Romeo?

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My fucking life... oh God, why the hell are you doing this to me!

I screamed internally and kicked my legs. We did it, again! And I was again the one who asked for it!

I must have sounded so desperate! My innocence! What would he be thinking about me right now?

I cursed under my breath.

When I opened my eyes this morning, I was down with a hangover. What was worse was the handsome sleeping face of my best friend before me, his ripped naked chest making my heart beat like crazy. I was dressed in his shirt from last night. He had me pulled tightly towards him, his muscular arms holding my back.

This was wrong. I was pushing him too much. I could always get away with this, saying that I was drunk. Hell, I could even blame it on him, but I knew I would be lying. I wanted it so much last night, exactly what I told him. I just never imagined I would be voicing my thoughts out loud.

I moved my trembling hand to touch his chest.

"...I want you and everybody over here to know that you'll have to walk over my dead body to reach to her!"

He literally declared war on his family... for me. And I don't doubt it in the slightest that he really would lay down his life for me.

I am... scared.

"Bad hangover?"

His voice made me jump. He is awake? I nodded at his question.

"Words, Alice, I can't see with my eyes closed, right?"

"If-if you are awake then why didn't you just get up."

"Because there is nothing more interesting than watching you sleep."

His words made me blush. Was he watching for long?

"And because I had something to talk to you about."

It's coming! We can't be friends anymore! It's way too awkward now. I- I can't-

I kicked in my fight or flight skills, just flight perhaps as I tried to pull away, hoping to leave and skip the words I dreaded. But he gripped my wrists tightly as he got up on the bed and pulled me towards him. I fell on the bed in his arms.

"You are not going anywhere until we are done talking."

"I know, I understand what you want to talk about. Please, Kai!" I pleaded. "I am sorry this happened! I'll just go back to my home-"

"Damn, do you hate me this much, Alice?" He sighed, running his free hand through his hair.

What is he saying? He should be the one hating me for-

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