Extra Chapter 33.1 - A Cross Sibling Fight

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes snapped open. I had been waiting for my alarm to go off for like hours.

"Ughhh... shut that thing off," Kai mumbled as he pulled me closer to his chest and lightly grazed his lips along my shoulder.

Reaching out to the nightstand, I grabbed my phone and immediately turned the noise off. I don't know if it's some chemicals or your anxiety, but when you know that you have something important to get up for in the morning, the body clock seems to adjust itself to it. Maybe it was not true for everyone, but for me it definitely was.

My phone's time read 4 AM, and there was an unread text from Riannon. I gently pulled out of Kai's hold and scrambled up to my feet.

"Alice... where are you going?" his sleep clad, throaty voice echoed in the dark.

"I have got an assignment to submit in the morning. I'll be in the living room," I answered.

"Don't go just yet... The class doesn't start for the next ten minutes. Kiss me..." his words trailed off as he rolled to the other side of the bed, and I clasped my hand around my mouth to stifle a laugh.

Kai sleep talks? Oh my god, this is so adorable! Why hadn't I seen this before?

Because you are a lazy bum! He always wakes up before and sleeps after you do! My inner voice admonished.

My phone vibrated in my hand, and I glanced down to see Riannon's name lighting it up. I slid my hand across the screen to accept the call.

"Alice! Quick! We need to leave," she beamed from the other side.

"I am coming!" I whispered while peering down at my clothes and tiptoeing out of the room. I was clad in his oversized shirt and black leggings. I considered changing, but Riannon was getting restless, and I didn't want to keep her waiting.

As for why she needed me this early in the morning, boy troubles! Riannon had a guy she liked, but well, he was a "normal" guy. Once he learned Riannon works for The Order, he freaked out. Since I was a "normal" girl with an "abnormal" boyfriend, she wanted me to talk to him. Not that I was the right person to, my "normal" reaction should have been to run for the hills, but let's hope he'll listen to me.

Riannon didn't want her meddling cousins getting to know about the guy she liked, and hence we were sneaking out like this. Honestly, after being surrounded by those male hormones all the time, having someone like Riannon was a breath of fresh air. Hence I didn't hesitate to help her out.

I quietly turned the knob of the main door. It creaked as I gently opened it, slipped out and then shut it behind me. I walked a few steps outside to the road and hushed, "Riannon! I am he-"

Someone grabbed me by the shoulder and forced a funny scented handkerchief to my mouth, blocking the air out. My vision faded, and I slowly started losing consciousness, kicking myself mentally for getting stupidly kidnapped yet again.

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