Chapter 12 - Rapunzel

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Anger, pain, love, happiness, fear; all emotions, whether positive or negative, are essential for humankind

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Anger, pain, love, happiness, fear; all emotions, whether positive or negative, are essential for humankind. Unhappiness teaches you the value of the happy moments; hatred compels you to search for love. Ask a person who can't feel, how desperately they want to be able to experience all those sentiments.

It is only the absence of something, which teaches you to value it. For someone who doesn't know the opposite, it is impossible to appreciate the feeling.

Ask an assassin of The Order the significance of life, and they would come blank to you, for they have never been taught the fear of death.

I aimed and shot the security guard on the leg as I dragged the dead body of another corrupt official out of his home. They sent me on this particular job at the last minute. They said that Seydon called in sick.

But I was distracted, my mind preoccupied. I knew it was coming. I was surprised they waited that long.

The Order has had times of despair, times of war, and twenty-three years ago was one such period.

Crossients and Reegafords built the Order together. It wasn't always the Crosses who ruled; it was an equal partnership between the Fords and us. But then the pact was violated, and different factions waged war, lasting for about five years.

It was said that twenty-three years ago when the best assassin of The Order, the Red Phoenix, was sent to infiltrate the main house of the Fords, he stole something from them. Stole the Ford's most prized treasure and made them kneel to the will of the Crosses, and that marked the end of the war. It created a big ruckus. It was one of the greatest victories for the Crosses. But then he abruptly left The Order and disappeared.

I didn't know what they wanted from him. Did they want him back, or were they feeling threatened by his existence? But they wanted his daughter dead. And the night before was when I was called for the job.

My next target, Alice Reed.

I didn't refuse because I didn't want to show my weakness upright. I didn't say anything at all. I just picked up the file and stomped out of his cabin.

As I dragged the man's body to his living room and prepared to burn the house down, my eyes went to the figure of my cousin sprinting in through the main door.

What is she doing here? I asked her to-

"She didn't come back home!" She huffed, trying to catch her breath. "I asked around at the college, and someone told me they saw her leave with the Silver Hawk!"

My fingers curled into fists. They sensed my hesitation, my silent protest. They definitely did, and as a backup sent Seydon.

"Take care of this, Ria!" I barked out behind my back as I hurried out the house. I pulled out my phone and tried to track her on the app, but it was futile. If he remembered the basics, he would have crushed her phone already.

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