Chapter 30 - One Dancing Princess

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Was I too harsh? Did I sound angry?

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Was I too harsh? Did I sound angry?

I stomped into the guest room, thinking about alternatives for the infiltration plan.

Nope. I was right. I can't get her involved. This is not a movie where the lead girl just magically transforms into the perfect assistant for the guy. This is real life, and she is not trained to be a part of the field.

Her words caught me off guard, though. I had always viewed them as enemies, as people who took my most precious person away from me and were trying to do the same again. For me, the entire cult was corrupted.

But her words gave me a new perspective, that there were other people there, who really wanted to do some good. I was still struggling to accept those thoughts because my life's mission had been to become the next head and then bring it down to the ground. But after meeting her, it changed into wanting to protect her from everything.

And since my world revolves around her now, if she really views us as good people, I might want to prove it to her.

We had a quiet dinner last night after which she went back inside our room. I guess she was mad at me because she locked me outside. Her eyes were heavy with sleep in the morning. She had had nightmares for a while now, no wonder she couldn't sleep last night without me beside her. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest.

It was almost afternoon. I was hovering outside her room, trying to come up with some genius idea to apologise. Pacing about, I considered if I should knock or just barge inside the door. Finally deciding upon the former, I raised my fisted hand to knock on the door.

Two knocks. Five seconds passed. No answer.

Three knocks. Another five seconds passed. No answer.


I tried turning the knob, but it was locked from the inside. Now I feared the worst. I pushed against the door, hitting my shoulder to it and the door fell open on the third hit. The room was empty, the bathroom door was locked, and the window was wide open.

I checked my phone. There was no alert from the alarm system. I had one installed when I bought this place so that when anyone, besides me, crosses the boundary of this house, I get an immediate alert on my phone. But then I dragged my hand over my face when my eyes went to my open laptop kept on her table. As much as she amazed me, her skills annoyed me as well. She hacked into my alarm system to escape!

I know where she is going to be.

I know where she is going to be

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