Chapter 11 - Snow White And The Huntsman

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I jolted awake abruptly

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I jolted awake abruptly. Just the way you think about resting for five minutes while studying for an important test, and suddenly your eyes open with dread half an hour before the exam time, and you realise those five minutes were the most expensive five minutes of your life; I wasn't feeling any better than that.

I glanced down. I was still dressed in my gown from the night before, and then I peered around and sighed in relief to see the familiar surroundings. I felt for my phone on the nightstand, and once in my hand, I checked for the time.

4:15 AM.

"Call me when you wake up." An unread text from Kai lingered amongst the other notifications. I opened it; it was sent around 11 in the night.

4:15 AM, probably not a good time to call.

I was still considering if I should drop him a text back or call when his face lit up my screen.

This guy has no patience.

"I asked you to call me as soon as you wake up!" He started without a greeting as soon as I picked up.

"Oh, come on! I literally just read the text a second ago!"

"You read it a minute ago. I checked the read receipt."

"Oh my God, Kai! Were you a stalker in your past life?"

Silence ensued on the phone line, post which he cleared his throat, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I want to, but I need to think about my case first.


He didn't respond immediately, probably trying to settle in my curt reply.

"I'll pick you up in the morning." With that, he hung up.

Something happened the night before. I could bet my ass it was a bullet that I heard. Someone was aiming for me, and Kai swooped in at the right time.

I pushed the comforter aside and walked into my bathroom for a warm shower. I needed it to clear my thoughts.

I stood under the running water, my hair getting drenched, cold droplets trickling down my body as I mulled over the last few days.

First, the secret Order that everyone was so interested in. It was founded by someone named Crossient, and it could very well be Cross for short, a little far fetched, but let's just assume it was true.

Second, the comment by Seydon, that it could be him or Kaidon. Let's just make another assumption that he was not messing with me.

Would that make Seydon an accomplice?

Third, the kidnapping. For some strange reason, Kai just knew in less than two hours, precisely where to find me, if I timed it correctly, and then he returned with bruises on his knuckles.

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