Chapter 36 - The Pied Piper

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Have you ever had to witness a moment of death? The life of your most precious person hanging by a thread? When there is a timer to their life, and you are the only person who can stop it?

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Have you ever had to witness a moment of death? The life of your most precious person hanging by a thread? When there is a timer to their life, and you are the only person who can stop it?

I have.

I pulled out my vibrating phone from my back pocket with a curse.

If it's grandfather again, demanding I pull out of the mission, I am probably going to hunt him down first before I save the hostages.

My insides turned as I glanced at the name on the screen.

"Alice!" I cried with relief. It instantly vanished when I heard whispers and shouts and other voices from the phone, someone yelling at them to be quick. Then there was a cluttering sound followed by a thud.

I put the phone on mute and then switched it to speaker mode. The voices caught Seydon's attention as he gestured others in the van to shut up.

"Spanish?" Seydon asked.

"No, Italians, I recognise this voice. It's Russo." I added silently.

"Head Russo? I thought you destroyed them all during the undercover last year?"

"He escaped. The biggest fucking mistake of my life." I growled.

"Someone escaped you, Black Wolf? I guess I'll be giving you a run for your top position." Damon Price, the third joked as he joined us on the table and then started laughing. I could feel the nerve in my head twitch. I dragged my fingers across the table, peeling at the coating with my nails, as I lost my cool.

"You, Price, you think this is a joke?" I growled. "If anything, even one little thing goes wrong today, and I hear you were responsible, I am going to shoot you between the eyes and feed your splattered brains to our dogs."

"Calm down, man, let us all be professionals." He said, raising up his hands in a gesture of peace.

I shot my eyes at him and glared. "You think I can be a fucking professional right now? My woman is fucking locked up in that building as a fucking hostage, and you think I can fucking calm down!" I shouted. "No, agent, this just got fucking personal." That was the only word in my mind right now, which was getting reflected in my speech.


I fucked up bad. Real bad. Of all the fucking days they could choose to raid in, they chose the day when neither of us was inside the building to protect her.

I felt a hand squeeze on my shoulder.

"Kaidon, getting worked up isn't going to take us anywhere." I heard Seydon speak weakly. He was getting affected, as well.

I dragged a hand down my face as I tried to focus on the voices coming out of the phone.

"Steel chairs and tables, they are in the cafeteria," Seydon spoke up.

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