Chapter 22 - The Wolf And The Dragon

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I recalled the way she moaned and screamed my name last night, and the thought made me hit my head to the wall. I was so glad Seydon couldn't read my mind. The memories from the night before were rolling through my head while her words from this morning were crushing me.

She was so soft and warm...

What the hell am I thinking!

Friend-zoned, best friend-zoned, family-zoned, father-zoned, bro-zoned, and now friends with benefits-zoned, I have been put through all kinds of possible zones by her. Why does it even surprise me anymore?

Seydon put a hand on my shoulder as he asked, "Bro, you all right?"

Seydon had surprisingly been super serious and professional about all this. Most of the times, everything was a joke to him. But I guess he really considered Alice as an important person.

"I got rejected." I bit out.

"Huh? What? Did you apply for a new job? Kaidon-"

"I got rejected by her even before I could confess."

A minute passed, and if the hospital weren't bustling with the doctors and nurses running amok with injured people, I would have probably heard the crickets chirp.

I glanced at him through the corner of my eye. He looked distraught with his jaw dropped open as if I just told him I was secretly The Hulk.


"You confessed?! To Alice?? Without my permission??" He yelled, and the nurse at the far end of hallway glared at us again.

WHAT? Seriously? That is all he took from this? And what permission? She is mine! She is my best friend! She is-

"And she rejected you!" He broke out into a fit of laughter, holding on to his stomach. "Man, Alice is my favourite person on this planet!"

WHAT THE HELL!! Why do I have HIM as my cousin??

"You think this is funny?" I grumbled,  scowling at him. He put a hand on his mouth to muffle his laughter but failed.

"I am so sorry, bro! Do you want a shoulder to cry on?" He chuckled. "Oh, man! Damn! I can't wait to tell Riannon about this. I wish I could get a peek into your mind right now!"

"Kai... You are my best friend. It was a mistake. I am so sorry I troubled you with something like this. It won't happen again, I promise! Let's just pretend last night didn't happen, please? I don't want things to change between us..."


I tsked.

How could she be so cool about it? Why did she have to say that? Is she usually so casual about it? But she hadn't even kissed anyone before me, let alone had sex. She was definitely inexperienced.

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