Chapter 35 - Damsel In Distress

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"Everyone, out!" The man with the rifle shouted as soon as he barged into the lecture room

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"Everyone, out!" The man with the rifle shouted as soon as he barged into the lecture room. The Professor dropped the marker he was using to draw a diagram while the students panicked. Some girls let out a scream while the guys started whispering amongst themselves.

What- what's happening?

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. The hair on my body rose up, and my body shuddered in fear. I skipped breakfast that morning, and yet I had a sudden feeling to throw up.

"Didn't you hear me? Out!" He shouted again and raised up the rifle and shot.

I placed my hands over my ears and shut my eyes close. Every time I heard a gunshot, it reminded me of that dreaded morning from when we were attacked. You can recover from physical wounds, but the emotional wounds always turn to scars. They may fade with time but never disappear.

We scrambled up to our feet. I was breathing hard in panic. Someone helped me up as well. The Professor took the lead, and everyone gathered behind him in the centre and then started walking out in a crowd. Calming myself, I joined them, and the next moment I felt someone tug on my arm. It was Marilyn, the girl I befriended during the drama practice.

"Al-Alice..." she gasped. I took hold of her hand and squeezed it hard. I was shivering myself, but I didn't want to lose the cool of my mind. Another friend, Janet, took hold of my other arm.

"What's happening?" She cried.

Funny how they looked up to me for strength when I wasn't any stronger than them. But my little adventures with The Order did slightly make me immune to a lot of criminal activities. Was that a good thing?

All of us gathered around each other, trying to hide ourselves from that man as we quietly stepped outside the lecture hall.

"Everything is going to be all right, children." The Professor calmed us down as he stood at the front of the crowd.

We met up with other crowds and professors who were being led outside the lecture halls by similar men with guns

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We met up with other crowds and professors who were being led outside the lecture halls by similar men with guns. We all joined up together in the corridor and made our way towards the cafeteria. It was off for the winter holidays, and there were not many elective classes scheduled. My best estimate was, there were about eighty of us and another three professors.

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