Chapter 39 - The Little Mermaid

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As a kid, unlike many girls, I had always hated fairytales

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As a kid, unlike many girls, I had always hated fairytales. Was I sort of a little feminist perhaps? I wanted the princesses to be as strong as the princes. I wanted both to fight together and defeat the villain.

How very wrong was I...

The prince had power, authority; they were trained to fight while the princess was always taught to be a helpless damsel in distress. No way she could have out of nowhere learned how to swing a sword when all she had ever done in her life was sew with a needle.

Kaidon was my prince; the trained one. I was the damsel in distress; the ignorant one. No wonder I was named Alice; I always lived in my own wonderland.

Time and again, Kai had risked his life to protect and defend me. Almost tricked death to save me. But the monsters were too powerful to defeat.

Not all fairytales have a happy ending; mine wouldn't either.

Not all fairytales have a happy ending; mine wouldn't either

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He drove us back to his house. All the while, I kept mulling over the decision I had made. Not on whether I should do it, but how best I could carry it out without hurting him.

He parked outside and then moved out. Opening the door to the passenger side, he offered me his hand. I put my palm in his and stepped out. He walked forward fishing for his keys within his pocket, but I didn't follow after him.

"You aren't coming? Forgot something?"

I stood there, unmoving from my spot and shook my head.

You can do this, Alice. It's for his sake. My yearning heart comforted me with those lies.

"Kai. I am leaving."

He narrowed his eyes at me, confused. A brief silence ensued after which he walked back to me and took my hand in his.

"You want to go back to your home?"

"No, Kai, I am leaving, I am leaving the country." I snapped, just wanting to let go of the bitter words.

He gave me his puzzled look, his brows furrowed.

"What? Why? What are you saying, Alice? I don't understand you."

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