Chapter 14 - Jekyll And Hyde

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"I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man; I saw that, of the two natures that contended in the field of my consciousness, even if I could rightly be said to be either, it was only because I was radically both

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"I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man; I saw that, of the two natures that contended in the field of my consciousness, even if I could rightly be said to be either, it was only because I was radically both."

Books. Knowledge. Truth. They are the best weapons you'd ever come across in a battlefield. Strength and muscles can only get you so much and help you win a fight. It is strategy that enables you to win the war. Wisdom makes you inconquerable.

Every piece of literature, may it be fiction, has truth to offer. It could be in the form of agreement, or disagreement or merely a thought, but the mind of another that worked to bring that piece to light always has something valuable to offer.

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was one such novel that I appreciated. It felt like being put before a mirror.

Having spent over five years as a child living a dual life, one of contempt with The Order and another of humility with her, had led my brain to tear apart in two before I even realised. I was the loving and kind best friend for her and a vicious assassin other times. But there were moments when those sides of me would overlap, bringing the worst out of me before the person I dearly cared for.

I never finished reading that book. I feared the ending.

"Seydons poking his nose into my business!"

"Inam gonna KISS him someday!!!!!!"


"Fucking autocorrect"

"Alice is going somewhere, just a sex."

"ewwwwww *sec aaaaaaaaaaa"

I rolled my eyes at the flurry of texts Riannon had sent to my phone. I put her up to the job of watching over Alice. She followed her on her way to and from her home. And surprisingly, I got a text from Seydon last week, telling me he would stick to Alice until I returned.

Finding the elder Mr Ford was hard. He retired once his son took over and went on a world tour. I tracked him down and met with him, and this was our second round of meetings.

The Fords gained back their power and standing in The Order over the years. They were still pushed down by my grandfather, but over time he was losing command on them. Probably this was why they were threatening the Red Phoenix.

I tried to convince him to tell me about the thing stolen from him, but he refused. I hoped the second meeting would be fruitful, but he denied. Although he did agree to support me should I look towards throwing out my grandfather's rule.

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