Chapter 9 - The Glass Slipper

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Thirteen years ago, I met this adamant young kid, with an ego as massive as the highest mountain range in the world, and despair and contempt towards fellow humans as deep as the dark bottomless depths of the ocean

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Thirteen years ago, I met this adamant young kid, with an ego as massive as the highest mountain range in the world, and despair and contempt towards fellow humans as deep as the dark bottomless depths of the ocean. He was like a wild animal gone berserk, held back only by the leash attached to me, and no matter how hard I tried to "train" him for the world, I feared he would end up like that loyal dog that waits by the grave of the owner even after their death.

I feared that when I left him seven years back.

I feared that when I got kidnapped today.

I feared that when I saw the possessive rage build up in his eyes when they made me cry.

The bell rung, a few minutes after Kai had dropped me. I thought he came back because he forgot something, but when I looked in through the peephole, it was just another salesperson. You know how your parents keep telling you never to open the door for strangers? I had always thought that the warning was valid only until the age of eighteen.

Maybe I needed a refresher on that lesson because I yanked the door open and was immediately pulled out and thrown into the back of a truck. My mouth was gagged and limbs tied. I tried to reason with them, but as if they were blind and deaf, they ignored my pleas completely.

My hands trembled. My eyes glistened. I wanted to shout, scream for help, but it wasn't just the cloth in my mouth that kept me shut, I just had no words to form. I was scared, no I was terrified, my entire life flashed before me in those minutes.

The moment I saw Kai before my eyes could possibly have been the happiest one of my life. My heart filled with relief and gratitude. I could have kissed him if he had asked me to. But then the fear kicked in. There were more than ten people when I got here. Kai could be strong, but a young man barely in his twenties couldn't possibly hold his ground against professional criminals.

I wanted to ask him to run away, leave, but words failed me. All I could do was stare at him in disbelief and let my eyes do the talking.

Somehow he did manage to get me out of there unscathed, but I still feared that they would come after me. I was terrified throughout the car ride back. He held on to my hand tightly, passing me his strength. His hands, his hold, they were so strong and warm while I kept shivering. I didn't want to let go of him at that moment, but I didn't want to be a bother either.

It was only once I entered his house that I truly felt relieved and safe. The confined four walls of the house gave me the sense of self-preservation I needed. I would never feel this safe in my own home again. I would probably never want to stay alone again, either.

The television was switched on. He must have left in a hurry. It then came to my mind- how did he find me? How did he know where to go? Are there things he is not telling me? Did he get himself into something dangerous?

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