Chapter 27 - Helen Of Troy

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"There, all done

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"There, all done."

Riannon handed me a mirror, and I glanced at the reflection of my eyelashes on which she applied the mascara.

"Now, here. Get dressed before the guys start complaining."

6th of October. My birthday. Also, the day the fake funeral was scheduled.

Riannon helped me with my makeup and stepped out to receive her sister and Alex from the airport, promising to meet us directly at the venue.

I stared at the modest black coloured knee-length dress that Riannon picked out for me. I didn't have the heart to shop for one, even if it was for a fake funeral. I never wanted to be in the situation ever to wear one.

Funny how you always just assume that your parents are going to be there for you. You grow apart, you fight more with them, and you forget to tell them that you love them every day. I had a brief fight with my mother that day as well. I didn't even remember the reason. But I was angry and never apologised, and then I lost the opportunity to.

You take them for granted until death makes you realise the fragility of life. How vulnerable we are at every single moment. It took me my father's near-death experience to understand the same.

I am going to tell him how much I love him once he wakes up.

Just wake up, Dad.

"Hey, I got you glycerine to help speed up the crying..." Kai announced as he peeked in through the door, but froze and trailed off as I turned on my heel and put forth my tear clad ugly face on display.

"This, zipper... it's-it's stuck..." I made an excuse as I tried to reach back. "Why can't they make it easily accessible?!"

He pursed his lips, sorrow flashing through his eyes and quietly walked towards me. He pulled me to his chest by my waist and helped me zip up. Then he gently placed both his hands on my cheeks and yanked me closer to where his heart was.

"They make bad zippers. We are gonna get them and put them out of business."

I coughed and sniffled and clutched his shirt like a lifeline, my mascara running free and staining his white dress shirt. I hiccuped, pulling in the snot threatening to run loose from my nose. He softly caressed my hair as if I were a delicate porcelain doll.

"I-I don't want any zipper dresses!" I sobbed.

"I'll make sure of that." He whispered.

" He whispered

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