Chapter 4 - The Cursed Moors

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I didn't have to ask

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I didn't have to ask. I knew it already. I found her like a month ago, and I had followed her for some time to keep an eye.

P.S. I am NOT a stalker! Alright, perhaps I have some latent tendencies when it comes to Alice, but all with good intentions.

I knew she didn't have anyone close, yet I wanted to hear her say it. Not that I was looking for a relationship; I didn't have the time for that, but I needed to make sure no one suspicious made room into her life.

"How long do you plan on hiding there, Riannon?"

I heard an audible sigh from the backseat of my car as a reasonably annoying woman got up and settled on the fine leather of my car seats.

"You sure this is new? I swear I can smell something dead in this. Don't tell me!? You carry the bodies of the targets in this!" She let out an animated gasp, and I rolled my eyes to her pathetic acting.

Riannon Cross, this blonde, annoying-as-hell woman was my cousin and my partner on most of my missions. She was an excellent person to be with, not that I would acknowledge that, but at least she would never think about betraying me because I had some leverage over her, something she could never imagine losing.

"Girlfriend, huh?" She suggestively waggled her eyebrows at me, and her ugly face on the front mirror almost made me puke.

"Friend," I muttered, feeling a strange stinging pain in my heart, unknown to me.

"Awww, you got friend-zoned? You want a drinking buddy tonight?" Her tone made me slightly furious. I wasn't particularly familiar with getting friend-zoned. In fact, I never really made any friends or girlfriends, but the sound of that word attached to Alice's name was eerily bothersome.

"Shut up, Ria! Why the hell are you here? In my back seat? God, I hope Alice didn't notice you."

"Alice! That is such an adorable name! Always been a fan of that fairytale."

I blankly stared at her with an eyebrow raised, which was when she cleared her throat and continued, "Uncle's calling you."

I had five missed calls from him already, which I had deliberately ignored. I didn't really want to entertain his fake attempts at getting closer to me.

"Tell him I am busy."

"It could be important, you know."

Even if he were on his deathbed and requesting my presence, I wouldn't bat an eye. That night from thirteen years ago changed everything between us.

"Grandfather has also called for you."

Now that was something I couldn't ignore. Our Grandfather, the current Chairman, the Elder of The Order. He was one person I respected but at the same time didn't trust. He was wise, experienced and understanding, but above all, he had something sinister attached to him. I couldn't pinpoint it, but his piercing gaze never dared let me even thinking about going against him.

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