Chapter 14: Prophecy? (Happy New Year!) 12:02 A.M.

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Royce: "Prophecy? Why am I 'ALWAYS' associated with some prophecy; a quest that needs to be completed, or by pure luck, I'm the Chosen One?!"

Fu-Shi: "No one has ever recovers THAT fast from an allergic reaction to spider venom!" Fu-Shi stated.

Sylens: "Master..." Sylens stated before redirecting Fu-Shi's attention towards her.

Fu-Shi: "Yes Master Sylens?..."

Sylens: "Master... *bows down before him in respect* he has sustained worse than this."

Fu-Shi: "Sustained worst?... how is that?"

Sylens: "I... I... I kind of have a thing... HAVE-A-THING-FOR-RANDOMLY-BITING-HIM-WITHOUT-REASON!!"

Fu-Shi: "What?" Fu-Shi asked, not understanding Sylens' strange behavior and stranger, more irrational personality, "Calm down child, what are you worrying about? And please... slow down."

Sylens: "I kind of have a thing... for randomly biting him without reason." Sylens said once more, making Fu-Shi stroke his chin fur.

Fu-Shi: "I see... Sylens, we'll discuss this more thoroughly at the Palace," before looking at Song, and asking Sylens what her name was quietly. "Song... *he catches her attention* Song, is it okay if I train this 'thing' here, if it has a name, that is?." Song heard this, and took serious offense to Fu-Shi's comment, almost lashing out at the Master Teacher (Fu-Shi), which Po quickly and efficiently thwarted, leaving the panda confused.

Po: "Song! What is wrong with you?! You never act like this!" the panda said, as if surprised.

Song: "He disrespected me, called my boyfriend a possession; acting like he has no value, like he's an animal!"


Fu-Shi: "My apologies ma'am, I didn't mean to offend you."

Song: "Apology accepted, you can take him to train, but don't let him flirt with any females!"

Fu-Shi: "Thank you Song; he'll be in good hands, that's the truth."

Song: "You're welcome, and Royce..."

Royce: "Huh?..."

Song: "... Be nice to your new teacher, and no misbehaving!"

Royce: "Song, you sound like my moms!"

Song: "Okay Royce, and Po... *Po looks back at Song* please keep him safe!" he nodded in response.


Po: "Will do. Song... c'mon Royce, destiny awaits! It's calling for you; for your attention... for you. It's destiny that's calling for you!" Po told Royce.

Royce: "Destiny? What 'destiny' is that for me to find, to seek, to understand? That's the question that needs to be answered! Why?"

Fu-Shi: "Answer that question by yourself, you must! Find it, you shall! If not? You must understand yourself to understand what 'destiny' truly means." Fu-Shi explained to Royce.

Royce: "Wow... I couldn't have guessed what that meant, but to be honest~ IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO KNOW WHO I AM! CAUSE I CAN'T UNDERSTAND MYSELF! NO ONE... no one understands me, not even my girlfriend, Song! All everyone seems me as... is a... a Monster, they are all terrified of me!"

Fu-Shi: "See you as a monster, they do not! Just... give them time, they'll get used to you and soon the villagers and the Five will fully support you." Fu-Shi said as they left for the Jade Palace, then a thought came to Fu-Shi's mind, "You know... I think I might know and possibly remember your parents. You're a Dragon? Right?"

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