Chapter 51: Royal Custody, aww man!

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With Royce, the citizens of War-Fang and War-Fang itself out of the question. It was now up to the Guardians to determine whom would be the new Fire-Guardian since Royce was in no condition to do so. That, and to determine whom was to get to protect Royce while he is to recover. Unfortunately, and even though Song was the only one present for the taking and wanting to help her "boyfriend" recover, Flashie (the Draconic Princess) swooped in and interrupted the gathering and prevention of letting Song have Protective Custody of Royce.

Flashie: "Your City is an absolute mess. And why is there a large purple Dragon with its head decapitated, outside?," Flashie questioned the gathered group as she started to put the pieces together, "Purple Dragon decapitated, crippled Royce, messy City, dead Wyverns and Monsters everywhere and..." with this in her mind, she was able to come up with a shocking conclusion. "YOU WERE IN A WAR-ZONE!!"

Terrador: "Yes, Your Highness, we just won a war. And our strongest, most deadliest Human-Fire-Guardian was nearly killed in his battle against Malefor. Luckily for him, Ember here saved the man and immediately brought him back for medical treatment and just in time too. Bad thing is: His body is HEAVILY crippled but his mind is worse." Terrador told the Dragon Princess as Ember spoke out to the Princess about Malefore and Royce.

Ember: "My~ My father tried to kill him! Even though now I'm a criminal, I still had morals and I wasn't going to let one of those that I lost so long ago take another life, especially if it WAS my friends life and if he did have a vendetta~" Royce interrupted Ember even though he was heavily crippled.

Royce: "Ember... saved... forgiven."

Ember: "Like I was saying Your Highness, I killed my father, just to save him."

Flashie: "Ember, Cynthia and Royce... you three are under MY custody until I say so or Royce fully recovers. Understood?" Ember nodded at the Princess, Royce wasn't able to accept or decline and Cynthia didn't respond.

Everyone, on the other hand, didn't say nothing as she "Officially" taken custody of Royce, that was until Song stood up to the Draconic Princess and gave her a piece of her mind.

Song: "Hold up there Missy," looking Flashie in the eyes, "give me one GOOD reason that you SHOULD be given custody of my boyfriend?!"

Flashie: "A GOOD REASON?! Okay, 1. I've known him longer than you! 2. He's a Contact of mine and 3. I'm the CLOSEST thing to a human! That's why you petty, deceitful and uncaring thief!"

Song, hearing all these things, gave up, and let the Draconic Princess have Protective Custody of Royce.

Song: "WAIT!" Song wanted one thing from the Draconic Princess.

Flashie: "WHAT?!"

Song: "Mind if I tag along? He'll need not one of us, but both of us. It'll be easier on both of us, seeing that you have high, er~ important things to do. Am I right," then even though this move she was about to make was embarrassing to her, she did it as to earn the Princess' trust and knelt before the Princess, "My Lady."

This shocked Flashie; a low-life thief bowing before royalty, ludicrous. She just couldn't believe it but accepted the fact that this Snow Leopardess had genuine feeling for the human just like she did, even if they weren't romantic.

Flashie: "OKay, I trust you. I don't know why, but I do. Don't make me regret it!"

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