Chapter 67: Royce's 22nd Birth-Day

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To catch up on what happened last Chapter: Cynder becomes corrupted through unknown means and later kidnaps Royce before taking him to her Castle (Concurrent Skies) when she was Malefor's general.

Royce: "I'm not an Ape," Royce told the Corrupted Cynder, unaware that this was currently "The Terror of the Skies", "haven't we been through with this, mom?" With this being said, triggered Cynder's warped mind and resulted in Cynder wrapping her bladed tail around him before bringing Royce close to her face.

Cynder: "What did you just call me?"

Royce: "Mom?"

She then throws the Dragon-Human Mix against a wall, stunning him momentarily.

Cynder: "Don't you ever call me your mom! My offspring would be evil! You are not evil, you are my prisoner. Now behave!"

Royce: "Man, this is the suckiest Birth-Day ever, either that or something is DEFINITELY wrong with mom."

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