Going To Molly's Yesterday Was A Great Idea.

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The next morning, Teresa walked into District 21 quite early, wanting to get there sooner than everybody else. Voight, was already there, but he didn't know what happened the night before at Molly's and Platt has assured him that Teresa was good.

Teresa was getting herself some coffee when Jay and Adam arrived. She got out of the coffee break.

"'Morning." She said to both.

"Hey." Adam nodded at her.

Teresa then looks at Jay, who doesn't look angry, which calms her a bit.

"Want some coffee?" She asks him.

"Yup, sure." He says following inside the room.

"Listen," Teresa whispers so Adam and Voight don't hear her. "About yesterday, at Molly's... It's true, that my parents are both alcoholics and addicts. My mother, above all that is also bipolar. But I am not my parents. I've never touched drugs, ever. And the most I drink is a glass of red wines three or four times of year."

"No, I get it. You were in the Marines, for 10 years. No way you drank or used drugs then. And then you were in an FBI program? No way they'd have addicts or alcoholics there." Jay says understanding.

"I never said anything about my family history because it has no influence on me whatsoever. As soon as I could, I got out of that toxic environment."

"Teresa, I honestly took nothing of what Connor said last night. Voight chooses his team by teeth and nail. If an alcoholic worked for this team, they would put everyone in danger, Voight would never let that happen."

"Right. I just wanted to clear it up. I'm sure Voight doesn't know everything about everyone, but on that he didn't miss. I would never put this team at risk."

"I have no doubt in that. And neither do the others. After you left, Antonio said that we are not our parents and we pretty much just finished our drinks and left."

"Good to see that going to Molly's for a minute really did help to bring the team and I closer."

"What did I tell you?" Jay asks with a smile. "Going to Molly's yesterday was a great idea."

The next day, the next big case came: drugs and drug dealing that resulted in murder.

Teresa was with Jay, following some clues, as the others were following others. They didn't find anything at first, but not far from where they were looking, Antonio and Burges got a suspect into custody and took him to questioning. The team reunited back at the District. Voight and Alvin where questioning the man as the rest of the team watched behind the glass, where Jay and Teresa joined them.

"Who is him?" Jay asks as they walk in.

"Some South Side drug addict." Antonio simply answers.

"Shit." Teresa whispers when she sees the man sitting in the questioning room.

"You know this guy?" Jay asks.

"Yeah, South Side. Everybody knows everybody." Teresa lies.

"He disposed of the drugs, but we saw him. He's definitely on something as well."

Teresa watches quietly as Voight and Alvin make pressure on the suspect but don't break him, as he keeps a light tone and continues to say over and over that he's a good citizen and that raised two of his beautiful children who grew up and joined the military.

The decide to leave the man alone in the interrogation room and they all go back to their desks to discuss the case and how this guy was connected.

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