I was inspired to do this after watching the video above.
Black Butcher (Beetlejuice)
Midnight (Lydia)
Malice (Barbara)
Scar (Adam)Character ages:
Black Butcher/Midnight: 7
Malice: 18
Scar: 21The situation is basically the same as the video; Midnight's had enough of the abuse and goes to the roof to jump off. Butcher decides to show herself because if Midnight dies, Butcher dies.
Midnight sighed, sitting on the edge of the rooftop as she fiddled with her mask. She looked down at the street, eyes emotionless. She paused when she heard a small gasp.
Butcher: You could use a buddy!
Midnight: *wtf-*
Butcher: Don't you want a pal? Yes I do, yes I do! Girl, the way I see it, daddy should be leavin' and you should stick around, and kill him!
Midnight: Wot.
Butcher: N o t h i n g.
B: So Middy please don't end yourself, defend yourself! Daddy is the one you should maim! Together we can exterminate, assassinate-
M: No!
B: K, finer points can wait, but first you gotta say my name~!
The black cat propped the blue-eyed up and started walking, floating beside her as she seemed ghost-like.
B: Go ahead and jump, but that won't stop him! Here you got a solid plan B option! I can bring your daddy so much pain, all you gotta do is say my name~!
Girl, just say it three times in a row, and you won't believe how far I'll go! I'm on the bench but coach- just put me in the game!! All you gotta do is say my name~!
M: I don't know your name.
B: Well, I can't say it!
M, sarcastically: How 'bout a game of charades..?
B: Yes, let's play it!
The amber-eyed ghost shifted into multiple forms as the other tried to guess.
M: Two words...
B: Right.
M: Second word?
B: Uh-huh.
M: Knife?
B: No.
M: Cook?
B: No.
M: Blade?
B: No!
M: Butcher?!
B: Yes!
M: Okay, first word...
B: Okay.
M: Shadows?
B: No.
M: Darkness?
B: Close but no.
M: Black?
B: Yes!
M: Black Butcher?
B: Wow, I'm impressed. And all you gotta do is say my name three times. Three times in a row, it must be spoken, unbroken! Ready?
M: Yeah...
B: Okay go!
M: Black Butcher...
B: Yes...
B: Black Butcher.
B, hyped: Yes..
M: Beeee-
B: Oh! Oh! This is gonna be so good!!
M: -cause!
B: What?
M: You're so smart, a stand-up pro, I'll think about your offer; let'cha know! But I prefer my chances down below. Black Butcher-
B: Yes.
M: Black Butcher-
B: Yes!
M: Being young and feeble doesn't mean that I'm an easy mark, been swimmin' with piranhas, I don't need a shark! Yes, life sucks, but not that much! Black Butcher, Black Butcher, be a doll and spare the lecture!!
B: In offering you a full-time specter!
M: Are you any good?
B: You betcha! Trust me, honey!
M: I just met'cha really, it's a flattering offer!
B: Don't you wanna see Dad suffer?
M: I think I'd rather just jump off!
B, yanking her back: No!
M: I may be suicidal, but Butcher it's not as if I'VE LOST MY MIND!
B: ...so, playin' hardball huh? You're tougher than you look.
M: Just wanna make sure who I'm workin' with. Got any references?
Malice, running in: Midnight, there you are!
Scar: Are you alright?
B: M-Dog, S-Town, my old pals!
Scar: Get away from her! Midnight, this is a dangerously unstable individual.
*Butcher proceeds to possess Malice and Scar*
Possessed Malice: Black Butcher is sexy!
Possessed Scar: Black Butcher is smart!
Both: Butcher is a graduate of Juliard! She can help, we found her on Yelp! All our troubles ended on the day that we befriended her! Every word is the truth! Black Butcher, Black Butcher, Black Butcher!
*Butcher lets them go*
Malice: What the hell was that?!
Scar: So violating!
Butcher: There you go, hon, a couple of five-star reviews!
Midnight: What was that?
B: That was possession. Any ghost can do that in less than one lesson.
Midnight: Any ghost?
B: Yep, any ghost will do, sure!
Midnight: Then Black Butcher...what do I need you for?
She abruptly grabbed her and held her over the edge of the roof.
B: Woah, wOAH, WOAH WOAH WOAH- hold uP, hold up girl, I'm your pal! You're cute, but I'm a demon straight from Hell! I know I went a little hard on the sell, but we're BF-F-F-Fs forever!
*Midnight drops her*
Scar & Malice: Midnight!
Midnight: What? She was already dead. And besides, you heard what she said. Any ghost can do that possession stuff.
M: We don't need that demon, the three of us alone can wreck dad's evenin'! Together we can make a grown man bleed- guys I got a dinner date to keep!
Scar: Okay so what's the plan?
M: Teach dad a lesson! He's gonna freak when we possess him! So, he wants the perfect daughter...I'll lead that lamb to slaughter! Yeah, I got game! I'm gonna make him say my name!
(S&M: Make him say your name!)
I'm gonna make him say my name!
(S&M: Make him say your name!)
I'm gonna make him say my name!
(S&M: Make him say your name!)
I'm not running away!M: I'll make him say my name!
K that's it-

OC Forms/Art Book 4!
RandomWelcome back to another chaotic book filled with OC oneshots, art, and new and old OCs of mine!! This book contains: Slight gore/angst if I feel like it OCs (A LOT) Memes and scenarios Cute stuff And that's pretty much it- Thanks for visiting my boo...