(Here have a cringey trying-to-be-epic fight scene with MHA Diesel vs MHA Adan while I work on OC Scenario crap
This is directly after Mio almost died fighting Bakuho)=
The emerald-eyed redhead grimaced as she watched her classmate Mio Raion get wheeled past her on a gurney, half-dead. Diesel shuddered and scratched the back of her freckled neck, looking up when Present Mic yelled out her name for the next match.
"-versus, her own twin brother from 1-B, ADAN BOURNE!" Mic finished as the two redheads walked out. Adan had a nasty glare on his face when he laid eyes on his sister, standing at the opposite side of the rectangle in the ground. Diesel stood her ground, staring him down. Her hand twitched, soon having electricity sparking around it. She knew her twin brother was extremely aggressive in fights, no matter how sweet he was outside of battle. She'd fought with him enough times when they were children to know.
"AAAAND, START!" Mic screamed.
Instantly, Adan's arms erupted into flames and he charged with an angry battle cry. Diesel tensed, then avoided his attack and went for his neck. She managed to hit him, leaping back and skidding on her heels to stop moving. When he countered with a whirl and jet of flame, she quickly bent backwards, barely avoiding the wave of fire. She launched back up, blocking his hit with her forearms and kicking him back, before her hands started to crackle and burst with electric energy.
Adan puffed angrily, green eyes blazing angrily, before throwing his arms up and back down with force, sending a wave of fire speeding at his sister. Diesel held her breath and ducked, before darting back up and at him the second the flames roared past, hitting him with a hard punch to the gut with an electric rush. He staggered back, grabbing his gut with both arms, doubling over in pain. "How many volts was that?" he hissed.
"About twenty," she replied. He growled and jumped forward and up, his arms and sides bursting into red flames as he spun, about to hit her with another punch. Diesel lunged to the side before spinning around and blasting him with an electric current, making him tumble forward. Adan yelped as he hit the ground, shoulder-first. Diesel stood back, dialing down her Quirk to keep from short-circuiting too soon. "Come on dude, that all you got?" she said as he got up.
"Please sis. I'm only gettin' started." He turned, bits of his short, fluffy hair turning to fire. Diesel prepared for another flame attack, but instead was met with Adan darting at her quicker than she could register and going for her neck, his outstretched hand ready to scorch her. She yipped as he succeeded, immediately starting to burn her neck the second he got a hold of her, growling. She grabbed his forearm, yanking herself back and zapping him with around 10 volts of electricity so he would let her go. As he reeled back, she planted her feet, grabbed his arm and twisted her torso, throwing him over her shoulder and onto the ground with all her strength. He yowled as he hit the ground on his back, bouncing briefly, before snarling and blasting his sibling in the face with a sudden rush of flame.
Diesel screeched and leaped back, hands flying to her face in pain. Adan leaped back up, abruptly tackling her and pinning her down. "Just tap out, your spark Quirk isn't gonna save you," he hissed.
"Hah, you underestimate my power," she winced, suddenly whipping her hand away from her face and sending a powerful current of electricity into his chest, blasting him up and away from her. He slid on his side, hissing in pain, before scrambling up to his feet. She lunged back at him, hyper-charged and ready to blast him into next week with an electric charge.
"This match is getting rather boring..." muttered Baxter from the stands with his classmates, watching the twins fight. "It's just them fighting and spitting insults at each other."
"Like you and Midnight," retorted Mikasa. The male snorted at the Kitsune. "Shut up." He glanced at his sister, who sat a few people away, watching the fight with no emotion and crossed arms. Everyone's attention was caught when a huge electric blast came from the center of the stadium. Nobody really knew what happened to get the Bournes so pissed that their Quirks turned them into a living torch and electrical socket, but it happened.
There Diesel stood, angry, her body bristling with lightning and eyes glowing electric green, in a proper boxing position. Then there was her brother, in a hunched-over pose with his fists balled up, panting angrily, his entire torso, shoulders and arms as well as his hair and sides crackling with red blazes.
Diesel was the first to attack, swinging her arm and sending a powerful electric wave at him, which sped straight at him. He roared, flames coming to life and swirled around him, like a barrier to protect from the lightning. It worked, her attack proved useless. Enraged, the human lightning rod ran at him, as he bolted from his wall of fire and charged.
The two launched up, Diesel spinning briefly before kicking him, bristling and ready to zap him, as he grabbed her heel with his hand and sent a fire attack. The combination of both powerful hits created a blast of energy that could've quite easily killed the both of them, and all in the stadium. Thankfully it didn't.
Diesel was able to push off Adan and backflip at least twice in order to land on her feet. She wobbled and fell to her knees shortly after landing, getting vertigo and feeling like she was about to throw up. She grimaced and just bowed her head, swaying a little. Meanwhile, Adan was suffering painful second-degree burns from overuse of his Quirk on his arms and back, tips of his hair tufts smoking.
"I...I can't tell who won or lost," Mic said. "They're both on the ground so....a tie?"
"NOPE, DIESEL WON-" Adan yelled, holding his burned wrist.
"What?" Diesel looked up at hearing her name, since she wasn't paying attention. She regretted moving her head so fast because her vision immediately got blurry and she almost fell over. With a small groan, the redhead got to her feet (slowly of course, she didn't want to black out) and approached her brother. Adan seemed a little surprised when she grabbed his uninjured hand and helped him stand up. "Good game, dude," she said with a light chuckle. Adan, having gotten out of his aggressive persona, smiled a little.
"I only learned from the best," he retorted.
(K that's it bye-)

OC Forms/Art Book 4!
SonstigesWelcome back to another chaotic book filled with OC oneshots, art, and new and old OCs of mine!! This book contains: Slight gore/angst if I feel like it OCs (A LOT) Memes and scenarios Cute stuff And that's pretty much it- Thanks for visiting my boo...