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Yeetus I haven't done memes in a lil bit so-


Teacher: Okay, you have 6 cookies, I take away 3. What do I have?

Young Bela: Hm...

Young Bela: A broken hand-


Xena after getting stabbed in the head, shot in the ribs twice, and having her left arm almost crushed completely: just a scratch nothing to worry about-


Saira, laughing: One time my ex- *giggle* one time my ex sent a pic of some girl's nudes and said, "You look really good here" and I was like, "tHAT ISN'T ME-" and *dissolving into a fit of giggles* that's how I found out he was c h Ea ti n g -


Phoenix in high school: So, I wore a scrunchie today because I found one and I could. My acquaintance comes up to me all like, "oMg yOu'Re WeARinG A sk-sk-sk sCruNchIe! ArE yOu A VScO gIrL??"

Phoenix, yanking the camera up to the mirror: b*TCH DO I L O O K -


Human! Midnight: So...I heard that if you give your pet an egg that it knows to take care of it because it's really fragile. Let's test that theory.

H! Middy: *Puts the egg by her black cat Ink*


Ink: *Pushes the egg off the counter*

H! Middy: *Laughs-*


Saira to a random pit bull she just met: Not to be dramatic, but I would literally D I E for you-


Ink: *Slides down the slide by accident and falls into the pool as a result*

H! Midnight: *Sighs* I knew he was gonna do that-


21-yr-old Tanya to Khan: Hey do you wanna break up?

Khan: Not really.

Tanya: Wait what'd I just say?

Khan: Do you wanna break up.

Tanya: yes-


Baxter: *Tossing a plastic ball up at a ceiling vent he broke*

Midnight: Dude you're just breaking it more-

Baxter: *Hits the vent and it goes back into place-*

Midnight: pFFF-


Wren, going insane in self-quarantine: *Riverdancing to cure her boredom intensifies-*

Fenrir: *Having a laughing fit while filming her-*


Human! Middy, 13: *Realistic meow at the neighbor's cat*

The cat: *Mrows back*

H! Middy: *Meooow-*

The cat: *Walks up and looks shocked to see she's a human and not another kitty*

H! Middy: *Laughing-*


Human! Hobs, fed up with their cat: *Using Ink to pick up the bunches of beads he spilled and put them in a container* You are focking h e l p i n g - you did it, you are helping, whether you like it or nOT-

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